Saturday, January 25, 2025

More Musings, More Stitching


Hello lovelies♡ How are you?? Did you stitch up a storm this week to keep your mind and fingers distracted?? Oh my..................

I'm sitting here beside the pond writing this post. It's early Saturday morning. Just me and my thoughts. Maisie, my faithful shadow is here, too. The fish are darting in and out of the lily pads causing ripples to shatter the mirror-like surface. There's sweet birdsong softly filtering through the early morning quietude. It's a peaceful place. It's calm. There's no angry people. No angry conservative Christians pointing their finger in my face in admonishment; to penetrate the silence. It's a haven; balm to my soul. Sitting here by the still waters nature is at its very best. God's paintbrush has artfully dabbed beautiful brushstrokes here, there, everywhere; like no human can or indeed, could. 

Sitting here the sense of sadness which at times sits with me is mitigated by the beauty before me. The every day delights of my little world cannot but cause me to smile.  Here at my little place in blog land, I have found solace and cheer in like-minded ladies, feeling somewhat in unity with our how we perceive this world. May I say, thank you, because you do add beauty to my day♡

This week I picked a few Peace Roses. Actually, I picked quite a few flowers.....but I digress. =) I bought a Peace Rose a while ago, to plant in the garden, as it was my darling mum's favourite rose. I miss my mum. I wish she was sitting here beside me as she would make me laugh out loud about the absurdity of these days that we live in. She was the funniest of ladies who could add levity to the darkest of days. A droll and wicked sense of humour who could make a  room filled with people laugh, both with, and at her. Laughter sometimes, truly is the best medicine. Let us raise a teacup to our mums. =)

And what have I been stitching this week?? I've been delighting in filling baskets with more pretty floral fabrics. There are pansies, violets, ruffled peony roses, wisteria, lupins........all wonderfully floralicious. And, I stitched a few more Liberty stars. No hurrying, no stressing; just stitching through my lazy, summer days.

Did you know that there have been over 45,000 Liberty designs created since the 1880's?? I didn't. Apparently, 'the Liberty Fabrics archive, is bursting to the brim with Liberty prints and sketches – all hidden away in oversized books, piles of labelled boxes and perfectly preserved paintings'. Liberty heaven, if you were to ask me. Unfortunately, the archives aren't open to the public. Oh, how I would love to sneak into the building where the Liberty archives are stored and pore over the plethora of exquisite patterns. I'd be as quiet as a mouse. Nobody would know I was there.  Just me and the  whispers of the Liberty designers of ages past.

I will continue stitching my pretty baskets later tomorrow evening for Slow Sunday Stitching. Here, at my little place we won't have much internet for the next week, so linking up and visiting the other lovely slow stitching ladies might be a tad difficult. I can but try. =)

Yes indeed, I have a book filled with Liberty print gift wrap papers. =) A Christmas gift♡

This week I watched Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Budde speak to Donald Trump and politicians in a prayer service. Her gentle message brought tears to my eyes; and to my heart. If you haven't seen it, please do. Her words are worthy of ponderation. Her words have caused a great deal of robust discussion among those of a conservative Republican persuasion; to put it mildly. Indeed, it has raised their ire.......they 'protesteth' rather loudly.  They expostulate how dare she have the gall, the effrontery, to ask the President; indeed all of us, to consider the weak, the frightened.....those in the minority, those with no voice; and show them kindness, compassion, humility,  love; and mercy. I for one admire her courage and grace.  It's going to take courage, grace, and hope; to walk the walk, and talk the talk in these times, me thinks. Let your little light shine, lovely ladies♡  I'm off to light my candle♡

Until the next time......


  1. It’s a blessing that you can calm your mind in such peaceful and beautiful surroundings - inside and outside. Your Peace rose is gorgeous and more so that it reminds you of your beloved Mum. That’s a lot of Liberty designs. The baskets and stars are progressing well. Happy Stitching.

  2. The good bishop certainly spoke the truth and I agree wholeheartedly with her admonitions to Mr Trump and his supporters. I am heartened to see that a number of prominent people are standing up and disagreeing with his policies and actions this past week.
    In the meantime, we sew to keep our sanity Your flower baskets are a balm to our souls.
    Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. Tus rosas amarillas son maravillosas y tienes ya muchas cestas y estrellas.
    Disfruta de tu privilegiada casa rodeada de naturaleza y olvidémonos un ratito de D.T.

  4. Ah, Kim, such tranquilty around your pond and such cheerfulness in the lines of baskets and stars hanging in the gardens. It is indeed a balm for worried souls. I haven't seen the whole of Bishop Budde's sermon, but the roar of disapproval from the Republican side has been spread far and wide. So much for their dedication to restoring free speech.
    All we can do at this point is live our lives each day, showing kindness and doing good deeds where we can. And adding beauty to our world wherever we can.

  5. Your baskets with flowers are so cute! Not all Christians, including me, agree with Trump.

  6. Bishop Budde was so correct in her calm request of Trump - the whole family was so uncomfortable I had to watch it several times - applauding the Bishop. These upcoming 4 years area going to be awful to watch - today I heard all medical research funded by the government is on halt until they decide what can go forward - this includes cancer research! and who knows wall all -
    but on to your delightful fabrics - they are so pretty and delicate looking and I must admit I have none of them. I love the lady bug on the vase in the first photo
    I think I will be lost in the sewing room and nature for the next four years.

  7. Such a lovely place to sit and ponder and write Kim. Your baskets and stars are all looking lovely, and yes a few quiet hours in those archives would be bliss. xx

  8. So beautiful peaceful pond Kim !
    The perfect place to recharge batteries...and sew beautiful basket quilt in the inside ;)
    Have a lovely weekend !

  9. I love your basket flowers and these lovely stars. So many beautiful flowers, quilt blocks, happy little places, enjoy these peaceful moments surounded by the wild nature. Have a lovely weekend, hugs.

  10. So many Liberty prints! I can understand your desire to just wade through them all. :-) I hope the brave continue to speak out (and may I be one of them if the situation were to arise).

  11. Thank you so much for the lovely visit to your beautifully restful--just what I needed....;))))
    I am working on basting the surround to my first improv block; and I am putting dark images into my Junque Journal to fill them with white inky thoughts....dark days, dark deeds!
    Meanwhile, I am trying to fly above it all in my little life...
    Just beautiful Liberty fabrics you've used in your blocks...lovely works...
    hugs for better times...Julierose

  12. It's so nice to see spring is somewhere when we have full winter here and it's all brown. Your flowers both real and fabric are all lovely.

  13. Looking at the beauty of your pond, with its gorgeous water lilies, and hearing about a lovely summer day, brought on a restful sigh—the first I’ve had in months. The depredations this horrible, horrible man is committing on our nation are designed to shock and stun as he tramples humanistic values, and dare I say, the true mandates of Christianity as preached and lived by Jesus of Nazareth. We do need to band together—even across oceans and time zones—and shore each other up with kind, caring words and glimpses of beauty, both natural and created by hand. Thank you for being you! You revive our spirits in many, many ways— Grateful hugs, Nancy O.

    1. .....and it's only been a little over a week. Goodness, the chaos that whirls around this horrible man, as you say, dear Nancy. I'm all for encouraging and supporting one another with kindness and beauty, even though we have never met and live at different ends of the globe. Let us counteract his horribleness with grace. As always, it is lovely that you stopped by for a while. Such a pity you can't sit with me here, by the pond. I just know we would be kindred spirits. I just know we would natter....and laugh the day away, even in these dark days. Take care, lovely lady. Kim Xx

  14. Baskets and stars strung by your pond, so pretty. Yes, I saw the bishop talk to Trump, good on her to remind him of his obligations to his people. He didnt looknat all happy, I'm pleased to say.

  15. Beautiful baskets and stars once again Kim, lovely photos by the pond, it must be a really relaxing and peaceful place to sit. I did hear and see the bishops talk to Mr T, I was saddened by the glances and shaking heads and his lack of manners in not looking at her as she spoke to him, I don't' know why that affected me as it is normal behaviour! Enjoy your slow stitching and quiet weekend.

  16. I saw her as well.Theres no way a gay woman should be giving morality advice to anyone, look in the bible, being gay is wrong. In my opinion , you have to be conservative to be a Christian, you cant tweak it or spin it to suit your own needs or wants.

    1. With respect.....what an extraordinary statement to say "you have to be conservative to be a Christian". On the continuum of Christian belief there are both conservative and liberal viewpoints....and those in between. Is it not supercilious, to sit on your high mount of morals and declare those whom might have a different viewpoint to yours, erroneous? (A rhetorical question.)

      How tragic that the thought of 'what would Jesus do?' has become a radical left statement, instead of an every day contemplation by all Christians. WWJD?? It is something I ponder often. It is a sobering thought to consider what Jesus would do in any of the hard situations that confront us; with the perplexing, sometimes impossible questions of life. I know Jesus would show and treat all with love, kindness, grace, compassion; mercy...............

      The Bishop has spoken Jesus' truth of mercy to all to those who have ears to hear. Indeed, her words echo the teachings of Jesus. It is up to each one of us to decide how we will respond. It is up to each one of us to wrestle with the thought of "what would Jesus do??".

      I'm afraid you and I will have to agree to disagree. You, on that far right of the Christian continuum, and me, somewhat to the left. Kim

  17. They showed the piece on bishop Mariann on our BBC news, I must admit I did think good for you! Your washing line of flower baskets and liberty stars is so nice....I can't wait for the warmer weather. I too would love to see into the Liberty archives. When I lived in London it was always a treat to visit the Liberty shop and soak up the atmosphere (especially at Christmas!!)

  18. What a beautiful collection of photos. The floral fabrics on those basket blocks are just perfectly framed by the handles.

    1. Thank you, so much. I do like to take a happy snap, or two. =)

  19. Your posts always make me smile. Especially the summertime ones when I am sitting in the frigid cold of winter with snow on the ground. I just recently found a local quilt shop that carries the Liberty fabrics. I immediately thought of you while I was there. Now I have to decide on a quilt and actually buy some. I love the litte wooden and ceramic birds. Your baskets and stars are looking so pretty. I am finding it very difficult to pay attention to the news here in the US. I am trying to turn a blind eye, but I fear the consequences if I ignore the threat. It is all so very stressful for me right now. Bishop Budde's words were beautiful and no Christian should be offended as she echoed the teachings of Jesus. Amen.

  20. Your pond looks like a beautiful spot to sit and relax by. Nature definitely soothes the soul in these strange times. I go for a walk each day and tell myself to just breathe! I love seeing your flower baskets and stars hanging here and there, too. Have a wonderful stitching week, Kim!

  21. peace roses - i do miss roses in winter ... and peace - i miss peace of mind ... thank you again for a few moments of respite with your calming words and images...

    i wrote a post this morning about the bishop and what she said - she is inspiring and i am grateful for knowing that i am not alone in the insanity that surrounds me...

  22. How wonderful to have a place to go to and get peace, and be surrounded by God's goodness he gives us. The lily pond is so pretty especially with the blooming flowers. Your baskets are coming along do nicely as well as the stars. Such a great book to have been given to see all the fabrics that were made with these lovely prints!
    The little birdies in your pictures are so sweet :)
    I did hear a small part of the Bishops message but that is all. My Pastor had a sermon today that would have been good for him to hear too.

  23. Dear Kim, Liberty fabrics? They are amazing, have a few in my sewing room which a Grandmother’s flower garden got started with and lifer happened to get it stopped multiple times. Love the diamonds and baskets you are making. Thank you posting the fish and the water lilies, warmed my heart up north where we have been dealing with -30C!

    1. Ooh, I love the sound of a Grandmother's flower garden with Liberty fabrics scattered throughout. Goodness me, -30° is unimaginable to me. I simply cannot get my head around such frigid temperatures, Maggie. Keep warm. Kim Xx

  24. I can just imagine sitting next to your pond. Oh, how lovely it looks with all the foilage and mirror qualities of the water. Such a thought, especially given our extremely cold temperatures of the last week here in the US. Love all your Liberty fabrics and wrapping paper prints. Such delicate designs with soft pastel colors. I mostly ignore the news so as not to hear the declarations of change from the new President. My son has lost his new job because of one of them.

  25. Let us raise our teacups to our mum - dear Liz, my best wishes to you and your beautiful summer garden.
    Let us light a candle in the evening for the good in this world.

    1. Yes, let us, you and I, raise our teacups and remember our dear mums. My candle is glowing brightly here. =) Keep warm in your wintry wonderland, dear Viola. Kim Xx

  26. aaaaaah, how I wish I could come and sit by that lovely pond with you. It's really cold here at the moment and high winds making it feel even colder. Finding peace right now isn't easy and your pond would be a perfect antidote to what's going on in the world. There needs to be a whole lot more people like the Bishop, willing to speak up for what is right. You are so right to say 'what would Jesus do' and live by his teaching.

  27. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos and colorful projects - a balm and a dream as I look at snow and freezing temperatures! And I could not agree with you more about the moral bankruptcy of DT - thank you for speaking out! (

    1. Thank you so much, Gladi, for your kind words. As for DT, he is a despicable man! This Aussie girl will continually speak out against his "moral bankruptcy". =) Thank you, Gladi, for stopping by. I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend stitching those amazing quilts of yours. Kim Xx

  28. Your blocks add so much cheer to your already gorgeous garden!
