A lovely hello to all of you whom are having a li'l bo-peep at my blog for the very first time. 'Tis a pleasure to be a part of Vicki's '2 Bags Full' Grow your Blog party.

And....for those of you lovelies who follow my drivel of a blog, you are most welcome as well......though I fear as we are already acquainted, you have been enlightened as to the ins and outs of li'l ole me.....just pretend that we have never had the pleasure of meeting and 'enjoy' the ride!
My name is Kim and I live with my husband, in a rural idyll in Tasmania which is a tiny island way, way down at the bottom of the world. Our humble li'l ole abode is surrounded by vignettes of lush green paddocks which change daily with a roving kaleidoscope of black and white bovine, a country winding road, aged gum trees perfectly placed as if nature had the view from my picture windows in mind when planting each seed; and majestic purple, opalescent mountains, ascending to kiss glorious, Monet-esque sunsets off into the distance......oh..... and a pretty as a picture garden of floralicious delight lovingly tended by my
My ever faithful, walking companion, Miss Maisie, drinking in the fragrance of the beautiful lavender. She is always a willing participant for a model shoot!
Yes indeedy, this li'l corner of the world in which I live ain't half bad............ain't half bad at all!!
I'm a gal who delights in all things creative. I love to design, I love to create and I love to write. So for me, the designing, the stitching, the making; and then the writing of a blog is a perfect fit for me. I cannot imagine a day without some form of creativity being enjoyed; whether it is putting fingers to keyboard and penning a written piece, or stitching, or knitting some lovely. Creating for me really is play. Most every day (and some evenings) I pirouette along my botanical inspired hallway and enter my happy sewing room in readiness for a li'l dreaming, a li'l designing, a li'l creating and fun, fun, fun!
My sewing room is my own li'l creative hub. It is a place where I express my own unique style and create. It is a space to just be. My design process always starts with a whisper of an idea, then the dreaming, then the plotting, then the creating. I am always amazed how a smidgen of an idea, a teeny, tiny thought develops into a finished creation.
Yes indeedy, me thinks that by both day and night, my bright and happy sewing room is a wonderful place in which those teeny, tiny ideations, that seem to collide all too frequently around in my brain pan at a fervid pace, translate into a pretty of some kind! I could do a lot worse.....don't you think??
I adore quilts. I love to stitch quilts. Indeed, she who has the most quilts (fabric, ribbons, laces, buttons etc etc).....wins....well she does, doesn't she??
The two 'quilts' on the top, the cathedral window and the postage stamp, are two works in progress. I am a gal that seems to fashion oodles of pretties at once. 'Tis very naughty of me, but I have a sneaky suspicion I am not the only one.
I have a penchant for hexagon quilts. Oh all right, I'll come clean, I confess, I am addicted to them! Yes indeedy, when I spy with my beady li'l eye a hexagon quilt, I have been known to go in to a state of apoplectic shock, when only an oxygen tank can revive me! I adore hexies.
I happened upon a wonderful method for sewing hexagon quilts quite a few years ago. Individual hexagons are sewn with the top fabric, the batting and the backing fabric all at once and then a little of the backing fabric is brought to the front to form a narrow border or a frame if you like. Then the finished hexagons are whipped stitched together at the back to form the quilt.
My first 'hexie' that I ever fashioned is this pastel pretty. Stitched from hundreds of pretty fabric scraps, it is an oft-used and faded quilt and is one of my favourites.
My joyous, purple coloured, hexagon quilt tickles my bohemian spirit! This 'pretty' is embellished with oodles and oodles of french laces, vintage jewellery, antique buttons, beads and gorgeous flowers fashioned from a smattering of pretty ribbons. Oops an overload of colour I fear....but then I am an "over-the-top" kinda gal! This hexie is a quilt where I twirled and twirled sumptuous fabrics, laces, ribbons; a li'l bit of this and a li'l bit of that, round and round in a merry dance.
AND.....then there is "Little Miss Rhapsody in Blue". I fashioned this quilt for a dear friend's 50th birthday and I am afraid that I went a li'l overboard with the embellishment......just a tad!
Now of course, in order for me to embellish the quilts and cushions and other pretties that I fashion, I need an embroidered pretty or two....oh alright...... I need oodles of embroidered pretties......my dowry of cloth; which more often than not overflows from many, many receptacles.
I love to stitch baskets of blossomy delight either filling them with li'l snippets of crochet doilies or fashioning oodles of flowers out of pretty ribbons. Fashioning flowers and leaves from pretty ribbons is the most joyous of ways to spend a li'l time.
One can never have too many cushions.......can one?? These cushions went with me to a market.....and surprisingly enough they all skedaddled off to lovely homes to perk up others' interiors!
I am a gal that LURVES to dabble in free hand machine sketching! To draw or in my case, doodle with machine and thread is the best fun. Free hand machine stitching is something that really tickles my fancy. This style of stitching satisfies my love to stitch by the seat of my pants. It satisfies my impetus to veer off that straight and narrow line of monotonous straight stitching and explore the wiggly and crooked lines.
Have a lookity look at some of the lovelies that I have sketched free hand with my trusty ole machine. A length of fabric upon which I free hand machine stitched a tableau of cute children picking apples from gnarled apple trees, children chatting, children swinging on swings, children climbing trees, children riding bikes....children laughing, chatting and having oodles of fun. I then adhered the fabric panel to the lampshade.
Here is another example of a li'l free hand sketching. This time I stitched a panel approximately 2 metres in length. I stitched a street scape where quaint Victorian houses, wrought iron fences, happy children, very chic ladies, the odd beetle car or two abound. I decided to make this panel into a valance to hang on my kitchen window.
Curtains fashioned with embroidered pretties abound in my li'l ole abode! Why buy metre upon metre of curtaining fabric when one can rummage around in one's plethora of suitcases/hat boxes and the like, all spilling over with embroidered pretties and fabric remnants, and fashion a unique, one-of-a-kind window covering.
These lampshades had seen better days so of course I tarted them up with pretties from my dowry of cloth.
Just a few Christmas stockings I stitched using a slew of lace, vintage fabrics and oodles of pretties. Ooh-la-la.......oh so Parisian!
Every now and then my fingers are found clickity clacketing feverishly away on a woolly garment of some kind or another.
Most school day mornings I can be found designing and preparing a stitching project for the school children who visit my humble abode each afternoon in readiness for a sewing lesson. Yes indeedy, each afternoon, the school bus hurtles along our winding country road, screeches to a stop, ejects excited li'l earthlings in readiness for a fun afternoon of stitching, chatter and laughter. Here are some of the stitching lovelies that one li'l girl has created whilst she has been attending "The Kim Sharman School of Stitching Excellence"....(my tongue is firmly fixed in my cheek!!). Of course all the children who attend The Kim Sharman School of Stitching Excellence are prodigiously talented!
AND........when I do find a li'l time, there is nothing I would rather do than spend an hour or two, with my head buried in a book. Yes indeedy, love, love, LURVE to read!
So there you have it. I'm just a gal who loves to spend oodles of her time playing with all things creative. Creativity for me is a window to my soul....it is who I am; it gives every day a measure of oomph! If you have stuck with me to the end and read this rather lengthy post to the very last word......congratulations.....AND a very big thank you.
Me thinks just for that herculean effort on your part, you deserve to be rewarded with a li'l pretty, fashioned by li'l ole me. Yes indeedy, if you would like to leave a comment, I will draw out not one, but two of your names and one of these lavender-filled heart sachets with just a li'l embellishment, will be winging their way to you over land and sea. Now......just in case the two lucky winners take a liking to the same heart sachet, please inform me of your second choice as well.
If you are a No-reply Blogger, please add your email address at the end of your comment. Entries for the giveaway close on the 15th February. If your name is one of the successful ones I will contact you on the 15th February. Vicky from 2 Bags Full has done a stellar job in organising this blog hop, so do pop over here to see the full list of participants who are kicking up their heels and partying on!!
So it's toodles from me. I am off to discover some delightful new blogs and have a bo peep at what other lovely bloggers are up to. Yes indeedy, I am off to be inspired by others' lovely blogs and their uniquely, beautiful imaginations and creativity. Thank you ever so much for visiting; it is truly a delight to 'meet' you. Please do pop by again; it would make my li'l ole heart sing a happy song if you were to stopover, down here at the bottom of the world for another visit!