Saturday, July 20, 2024

A quick hello........then au revoir

Hello lovely lovelies♡ A quick hello from my cosy parlour, on this chilly and rainy Tassie afternoon. We've had old friends visit our little home over the last little while. Hence, I've been absent for a wee bit. Why they wanted to experience a Tassie mid-winter, I'll never know; but they did! I suppose some will fly over land and sea and brave the harshest of weather conditions to spend time with me and My Pete. Of course, there are some who would fly over continents and oceans in the opposite direction just to get away from me. But, there you go. =) Time spent with our dear friends was wonderful of course. We seemed to have spent a lot of time sitting in front of the fire chatting, while Old Man Winter and Jack Frost did their dastardly deeds outside the picture windows. We chatted about many a topic......God, politics (yikes!!) American Christian Nationalism (a 'shake-one's-head-in-complete-befuddlement', resounding YIKES!!!!), forever friendships, children, grandbabies, books, why living in Australia is well, good......the whole gamut of subjects really; washing it all down with cuppa after cuppa in pretty tea cups, of course.

Oh my giddy aunt it's been freezing here. Morning after morning of ice sheathed landscapes.......frozen water pipes etc etc. Why, one could've ice skated on the frozen driveway if one had a pair of those vintage ice skates from days of old. But as there isn't a pair of those vintage pretties in my vintage-filled home, I didn't. Such a pity, really. But then, I never could remain upright skating on ice. The sight of my unattractive cankles bulging out of a pair of vintage skates with me trying to manoeuvre toe jumps, spins....the Axel, well.......utterly cringeworthy. Just not a pretty sight.

 Oh....and while I'm on the subject of cringeworthy, what about the cringefest that is the RNC, that went down this week!! With my vomit bucket close by I watched snippets of sycophants sucking up to the Supreme Court enabled, wannabe 'king'. Oh my goodness, I wonder how you, my American friends, stomach it all??!! Twilight zone-ish, really. One really couldn't make this stuff up!!

But lets leave the circus that is American (Republican) politics the circus tent and fasten the entrance flaps of the Big Top so that all the buffoonery remains inside, unable to escape. The Liar of all liars and his clown alley, the pratfall and shudder of clowns    go on and on and on, regurgitating the same  unhinged nonsense over and over. It's the same ol' same ol'.  Until he.....they......come up with something that looks like adulting.....then, and only then may those entrance flaps be flung open. But.....let us, you and me, chat about other things, shall we?? Books?? Sewing?? Crochet?? Slow Stitching Sunday?? Even the weather?? Any subject is more aggreeable than what went down this week in the country that is regarded 'Leader of the Free World'!

Let me chat about crochet as to tell the truth, I haven't participated in creative pursuits of late. I'm crocheting a top, dancing in gelato-inspired, yummy colours which sing Spring, Spring, Spring I'm using Patons 4ply merino wool and I must say it's lovely and soft; perfect for a Tassie spring. Granny squares. Again. Ho-hum. But not ho-hum  to me, as I love granny squares. =) Oh, how I love to sashay around the Tassie countryside in a crochet, granny square pretty

As I intimated in the heading, a very quick hello and now au revoir. Pete and I are off for a little holiday to warmer climes to celebrate a very auspicious first birthday. My sweet Riley turns one next week. How amazing!! And...where oh where did those twelve months go?!!! From being born so, so tiny at eleven weeks premi to now, a healthy happy one year old......well ......I'm just so thankful we all are able to celebrate the miracle which is our sweet Riley. So au revoir lovely lovelies. I don't know when I will return to my little place here in blog land. Perhaps when Lady Spring floats in, heavy laden with arms overflowing with daffodils, tulips, irises, lilacs, granny bonnets, forget-me-nots.........♡ I am beside myself with great joy just dreaming about the miracle which is Spring!! All those heady fragrances and colours dancing on a gentle, spring breeze♡ Such bliss♡

From Sarah Lizzie's 'tis au revoir for now♡ Enjoy a wonderful day♡ 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Woolly Goodness ♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ A lovely, Sunday morning, welcome to my little place, where woolly goodness abounds♡

This week I crocheted my woolly pretty each day and all of a sudden, before me is a finished, crochet woolly. I'm besides myself with great joy! =) 

A jumper dancing with granny squares of colour, colour, and then some. Last week I was in the process of joining all the granny squares together with the join-as-you-go method, front and back; which left the sleeves to be made. I also crocheted a scallop border along the hem and neckline. The sleeves are clusters of double crochet in the main scuba blue colour with pops of confetti-like colour tumbling towards the edge. Love all these pops of colour. Happy little mosaics of happiness.

This is my fifth garment that I've crocheted and can say that I've fine-tuned little elements since I first began to skip along the woolly crochet path. I have found with learning to crochet and then fashioning cardies, and now a jumper;  quite a bit of problem solving happened along the way. But this is always the case when one experiments, makes it up as one goes along, and happily plays. We creatives always seem to be problem solving; are we not??

Gotta love a swan, gliding gracefully among tangled, loop-de-loopying woollyness ♡

Another crochet woolly to keep me warm these chilly, wintry days.  I've been wearing all my crochet woollies a lot this last little while. Will I fashion another?? You betcha! I'm thinking a  crochet pretty in blues, pinks, mint greens and white for spring would be rather nice.  But for now, a little break from crochet. For Slow Sunday Stitching later this evening I'll be hand quilting my Crazy Flowers quilt. I have to fly as I'll be out and about all day. Have a wonderfully colourful day, lovely lovelies♡

Until the next time......

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Cosying Down And Stitching ♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ A lovely welcome to my little home♡   Come on in. The lights are a-glowing,  the fire is a-blazing and the kettle's boiling for a cup of tea ♡  Let us have a cosy chat, shall we??

Another week flashes by to the land of memories. A wintry week of rainbows, pelting rain, frosty mornings, cozy fires, sunny days, wintry flowers, crocheting......and a little hand quilting.

My daughter who has just spent two weeks on a vacation, road tripping through Canada, asked me...."and what have you been up to mum...what's new with you??". meandering through gorgeous Canadian landscapes here, just the same ol' same ol' really. BUT......the same ol' same ol' in this little place in which I live is rather wonderful, thank you very much; for each day I wake up thankful that I get to live in this little corner of God's sweet earth. Though, mind you, I wouldn't mind exploring and holidaying in Canada, (especially as Canada at this time of the year, would be basking in summer). I must say though, living here in this far rural outpost rather feels like I'm holidaying every single day.

This week I pulled out my Crazy Flowers quilt and enjoyed hand quilting. Desiring this pretty to be finished by the time Lady Spring floats in on a gentle spring breeze, I decided I had better get a move on. I started this quilt in 2022 with the thought of making crazy patch flowers from smidgens of scrap fabric. I machine stitched fabric scraps onto an octagon shape, then English paper pieced the octagon-shaped flowers and squares together. The quilting is easy and rather relaxing with the stitches do-si-doing around and around the flowers. I will continue hand quilting this pretty this afternoon for Slow Sunday Stitching. Adding a little springtime joyfulness into this very wintry day.

The crochet granny square vibe continued this week. More granny squares were crocheted and  I'm now joining these together to form the front and back. The sleeves still need to be crocheted. 

Armfuls of proteas were pilfered from my friend, Trish's garden. I left some on her bush.....but not many. =)

The tea is made if you would like to pop in. Oh, and there's cake, too, lemon coconut cake. Yum! There's always time for a natter, and a cup of tea♡ AND.....there's always time for cake ♡

From my little home to yours, have a wonderful day, lovely lovelies♡

Until the next time......