Sunday, February 2, 2025

Summer Is Summering Along♡


Hello, lovely lovelies♡ February. The last month of summer, here at the bottom of the world. But, I won't think about that now. For there is another month to enjoy summer sunshine, warm days and a continuation of a profusion of colourful blooms sashaying in the garden. Roses, dahlias, sweet peas, cosmos, anemones, nigellas, cosmos........ and my favourite, the beautiful hydrangeas. 

Though, the hydrangeas haven't been as bountiful as in other years. At the end of last winter Pete was rather macabre with the pruning shears. He bandied the shears with no fear of the murderous looks coming from his wife's direction. Nor did he appear to have any concern of the disdain that his wife might regard him.  He was savage. He was ferocious. Normally, divorce papers would be served, but, his wife had to suck it up knowing 'the gardener' knew best. She, who normally gives the hydrangeas a light clip each year, had to admit, as devastating as it was, a brutal pruning had to occur as the hydrangeas had become much too leggy. Deep down she knew severe pruning revitalises old woody plants and, even though flowers would be scarce in summer, ultimately the hydrangeas would bloom profusely in the coming years. So me thinks my marriage to, he who is a little heavy handed with the machete-like pruning implements, might just last a little while longer. I can wait till next summer when the hydrangeas will be back to their magnificence. For, they are indeed the queens of this garden.

The garden was decimated in wild storms last winter, but not to worry, the gardener is slowly working  in it,  restoring each little section at a time. Slow and steady seems to be the adage we live by  these days.

There is a finish, here at my little place. The crochet baby blanket is done. Granny square after granny square dancing in muted colours of blue, green, beige, brown; with a dash of peachy salmon thrown in for good measure. I hope the mother to be likes it. It was hard not to throw in smidgens of pink and purple into the mix, but, I resisted the temptation.=) thinks Bluey and his friends would much prefer the crochet pretty to stay here. =) How do I know?? Why, Bluey told me so.

So starts another week. I've enjoyed crocheting this week.  Me thinks my next woolly on the needles will be a baby cardie. A cable pretty, perhaps. I love knitting baby pretties as they knit up quickly. But, today, for Slow Sunday Stitching, I will enjoy stitching some more flower baskets.

Take care lovely lovelies, and don't forget, in these disturbingly bizarre times, where despicableness, vileness, hideousness................seems to be the norm in some parts of the world, keep shining your little light in your little corner of the world♡ This week, let us, you and me, shine our little light brightly, showing kindness and grace to those who happen across our path. May our little light illuminate; despite the presence of overwhelming darkness.  Sending you a little sweet pea and hydrangea love, from all the way down here♡

Until the next time......


  1. You have such beautiful gardens; thanks so much for the photos--they really liven up our gray days here. Yesterday we were totally engulfed by deep fogs and today the skies did lighten a bit, but cold winds kept our temps pretty low...
    We are keeping busy and trying not to get totally subsumed with the events of EACH and EVERY DAY it seems!! S I G H ...hugs, Julierose

  2. nice to have a wander through your beautiful garden as we experience cold and snowy weather here. My husband has been knows to get a little too aggressive with the pruning shears too--he has been told I will lock them away if he dares to touch them again. The flower gardens are my department!!! Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. Very disturbing to watch the news these days. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. Hello Kim. Everything with you is still in flowers, soulful and beautiful. Do you still remember me? Svetlana from Belarus. I have been visiting your blog for a while now and reading your wonderful posts. All the best to you.

    1. Hello Svetlana, Yes I remember your sweet visits. It's been quite a while though. I think the last time you visited my little place was when Russia invaded Ukraine. My, how the years fly by. I'm still here waxing lyrical about flowers and stitching pretties, and taking much too many happy snaps; trying to sprinkle a little beauty and hope in this oftentimes sad world. I hope all is well with you and your family. Thank you for stopping by. Take care, lovely Svetlana. Kim Xx

  4. Congrats to the gardener ! Your garden is full of colors (I don't forget your square blanket) with lovely flowers ! Wish I was there...
    It's cold and rainy here...
    Have a shinny week !

  5. Such a beautiful garden to lose yourself in Kim. Lovely photographs and I am sure those hydrangeas are happy and will make you happier too next year. The blanket is gorgeous, snuggly and pretty. Have a lovely week and keep shining your light, we need it. xx

  6. Your garden photos are always so lovely. I can't wait for a bit of warmth to hit our shore! That said it is a sunny day here so a little bit of garden tidying might occur. Lovely blanket, pretty colours. PS I'm married to a garden hacker who isn't a gardener!!!! Say no more.

  7. I forgot to say how much I love your baby blanket. I’m sure the baby and the parents will love it! Gail at the cozy quilter

  8. Your gardens are always gorgeous. We have thankfully been having rain finally, but have had many freezing mornings and my poor begonias look like they might be dead. My hydrangeas are leggy and I need to get out there and whack them back. John used to do the same thing with a tree we had, would whack them way back but they always came back. Your blanket is lovely. Hope you have a wonderful week Kim!

  9. Dear Kim, The garden may have fewer blooms, it is still a feast for the weary eyes up in the north. All we have seen is cold grey skies, snow, ice and more grey. Yesterday was our first blue skies with sunshine and -22C! It felt warmer than what it actually was. Looking forward to spring time, hopefully April? The pink birthday quilt project from last year is coming out to play today, it is all machine appliqué. My treasures from you will be keeping me humming along and smiling, while I play on the pink background. Pink was the colour challenge colour for January and I decided that it can spill over into February, have pulled some blues out to play with, they need some more friends to make them sing. Thank you for sharing the beauty that surrounds you from your heart to ours.

    1. Maggie, I'm glad my treasures are giving you such joy as you stitch them. About those temperatures of yours......I cannot comprehend -22°C. I'm afraid I would have to hibernate and only wake up when spring arrived. 'Tis always a joy to beam some flowery beauty to you. Kim Xx

  10. I'm always so careful when trimming back Hydrangea's always knowing it if you do too much you might not have any flowers. Two years ago we had such a bad winter that I thought the plant might be dead so I went ahead and cut back drastically - no flowers that summer but this past summer it came back strong and had flowers.
    thanks for the sympathy on the state of America - many are so happy with the way things are and the others (I included) can see what is happening and how bad it will get and wonder how fast some will wake up and realize what they voted for.

  11. Your gardens are just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing all the color, it's just brown here. Your baby blanket turned out just lovely. Enjoy your slow stitching this week and the wind down of summer.

  12. I'm sure Gardener Pete has a method to his madness, lol! Your gardens are lovely, Kim. And so is your sweet granny square blanket - I love those colors. I wish I could come visit and wander through your garden. We're still trying to "just breathe" over here. 🩷

  13. Your gardens are so pretty. I am sorry to say that I just don't enjoy gardening so I have no idea when or how to prune my hydrangeas. They get cut when I feel like it which I know is not the proper way to do it. Your baby blanket is so pretty. I'm sure Bluey approves. Enjoy your summer weather.

  14. I've noticed that the usual abundance of your gorgeous gardens have been missing of late. I did not know the gardens had suffered from the storms. And, of course, you've been very busy making baby outfits. It was 1 degree F last night when I went to bed, though it had risen to 9 degrees by the time I got up this AM. And we've had little bits of snow almost every day. I will be going to Florida in 2 weeks, but only for 5 weeks this year. Hopefully, when I get home, spring will be almost ready to arrive.

  15. Thank you for the reminder Kim... it is sometimes hard to remember to keep shining a little light, and to keep making lovely things to help people remember that there is still great beauty in the world! I adore the blanket you crocheted! And your photos make me so happy! Thank you for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  16. once again, thank you for the moments of escape to serenity - you are my Secret Garden...

    1. Aww ..... that's very kind of you, Dianne. Thank you so much. Kim Xx

  17. Your garden is ravishing! Thank you sooo much for the photos that have us all strolling through it in our imagination, touching the petals and inhaling the myriad floral scents. You really do confer blessings on us your admirers by sharing all this beauty, Kim, and we can’t thank you enough! The color scheme of your little crochet blankie is so appealing, I love it. 🥰 Sundays are no longer complete without a visit to your house! Hugs, Nancy O.

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy for your gracious words. I must say my Sundays are always lovelier with a visit from you♡ Kim Xx

  18. Tienes una gran suerte de vivir rodeada de tan hermoso jardín lleno de flores, aquí estamos todavía en invierno, con frío y sin flores.
    Me ha gustado ver tus telas de colores tendidas al sol y la mantita es 🩵🩵🩵BESICOS.

  19. Just what I needed; thank you, Kim. The flowers are outstandingly beautiful...I can't decide which of the flowers I like the best. HA! I love them all. The spider web is glorious and of course, the hydrangeas are too. The baby blanket you've crocheted is so, so special. What new baby wouldn't think they were 'decked' out. I agree, though, the pinks and purples would be a lovely addition, but what's a granny to do?...Well, do what mommy thinks best even if we are different. Have a special week fraught with a knitted baby cardie - sounds utterly perfect to me. Oh, dear, flower baskets are perfect , too.

  20. I love you and your words and your flowers. Had to read your post to my husband (as he put away clean dishes) and he laughed with me glad you gave the gardener one more chance.
    we haven't emailed in a while. CAN you believe he who must not be named is back as the little dick tator. I can't still. Can we come stay at yours a while? LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  21. You again are the consummate writer! Your choice of words is like a paintbrush upon the canvas and your images of the incredible garden are a breath of sweet air. And your opening flowers are one of the most beautiful photos I have seen; I just love the purples and the hydrangea. I only wish my mother could see them as that is her favorite color. Thank you for spreading joy and beauty for others to enjoy. I love your blog.

  22. Such a lovely finish, the baby blanket is beautiful.

  23. My apologies Kim ... it seems I have missed a couple of your posts - you are not showing up on my blog roll again ☹ ... blogger just does at it pleases these days!!! Your crochet blanket is just lovely - I actually really like the softer muted colour palette of it. It is wonderful to see you have been crafting away busily. Your garden is looking so pretty - Yes it does do the hydrangeas wonders to give them a good haircut every now & then - they may sulk for a year. You are so lucky to have "a gardener" that I would forgive him his rash pruning!! I would give anything to have some help in the garden. It is very dry here, brown hillsides, no grass, everything wilts & looks so sad. But when I read of the flooding inTownsville & the fires in Victoria, I know I have nothing to complain about. Happy week to you dear Kim x0x 💗

  24. Oh your garden is just beautiful, that would be hard to see it all being hacked away but I look forward to years to come that you are so thrilled how much it is blooming! I look so forward to seeing flowers blooming again here. Your baby blanket is so pretty, lovely colors. Enjoy the rest of your summer :)

  25. Your summer posts in our winter is such a cheering sight. I'm totally in love with your garden and the gorgeous Hydrangeas...which I can't grow here for the life of me.Adoring your summer, Sandi

    1. I'd be very sad if I couldn't grow hydrangeas, Sandi. Wherever we've lived there has always been a hydrangeas bush, ot two, or three........=) I'm delighted I've been able to beam some summery cheer to your wintry little corner of the world. Thank you so much for stopping by. Kim

  26. Thank you for the bright colors to my day!

  27. Please tell Pete that his gardening efforts are very much appreciated here in snowy cold Ontario Canada. I'm very glad to know that your marriage survived his zealous wielding of the hackers! I can but dream of such a garden. I can say, though, that I'm anxiously watching my hoya plant which is in bud once again. At least it's some blooms, albeit not as showy as yours. As always, I love and treasure your posts and save them until I have time to savour them.

  28. Your gardens are lush and beautiful with blooms. I don't believe I've ever seen such an abundance of blooms. Glorious. It's clear your husband knows what he's doing!
    The baby blanket is delightful! Have you given it yet and do you know whether mom likes it? Who wouldn't!?

    1. Yes, Pete has been gardening over 60 years, so he knows a thing or two about gardening. =) Toiling away in a garden is his happy place. As for the baby blanket it's in the post flying over land sea, so I don't know whether mum likes it. I'm think she might, though. Thank you Nancy for blessing my day with your sweet visit and lovely words. Kim Xx

  29. Your garden is beautiful Kim, Summer still seems a long way away here it's still far too cold for me to even think about venturing into the garden but I have plans afoot and as I don't have a Pete I need to find someone to help me carry them out, which isn't easy. Your crochet blanket is lovely I have seen a fabulous pattern today and I'm pondering whether or not to make it but I have so many blankets already so it's a bit of a dilemma. Enjoy every bit of your Summer, make the most of every moment.

    1. Linda, I'm very fortunate my Pete loves to spend his days in the garden. I can just imagine the fabulous crochet pattern you're wanting to start. I don't think you can ever have too many blankets in the home. Especially the gorgeous ones you always fashion. I hope it's not too long until you can enjoy your garden in warm spring sunshine. Thank you for your sweet visit today. Kim Xx
