A lovely hello to all you lovely, lovelies♥ I hope you are all well and taking care during these days of internment in your sweet homes. Here at the bottom of the world we are in lockdown mode. As the world agonises and groans from the effects of coronavirus, I am making the most of 'doing time' in my humble abode and garden. The days have been pleasantly warm and the garden continues to gift me with sweet flowers. The light is slowly changing; the soft light and hues of autumn are a delight to my eyes. The dahlias are blooming beautifully and the pretty cosmos are just doing what they always do.....splash their colourful, sunshiny smile. One can never feel sad when one gazes upon the cheery cosmos.
This week I have been enjoying the garden, playing florists and stylists.....again, and whiling away my days taking happy snaps. Oh, and there has been the pleasure of stitching sweet hexies, too. A few more sweet Liberty hexies have been added to the quilt. Sitting in my pretty sewing room, stitching these pretty hexies does indeed feed my soul. Yes, these sweet days at home are a shelter in the time of storm. There is no venturing out in the world, except for a drive here and there (staying in the car of course) or facing the grocery store, which I must say has been quite civil and orderly. Here in this small community we have escaped the frenzied shoppers climbing over each other to get that last toilet roll. Indeed we have escaped visits to the hospital where concussion caused from over zealous shoppers, is treated. Everyone here is behaving like proper grown ups.
I feel thankful for my home on this little island, in this small rural community; far, far from the madding crowd. Having lived in the city for fifty years of my life and since moving to Tassie, I must confess I do not miss the cacophonous jungle of Sydney at all. There is not a day goes by where I do not feel thankfulness for my little home, the beautiful garden that my good husband dreamed into being, and for the pastoral surroundings that hug me every day. It is peaceful here. It is beautiful here. Living in this little place I am able to block out the frenzied noise of the outside world. Here in this tranquil place, I can just......breathe.
I continually think of those whose livelihoods have been lost, whose lives have been turned upside down; so, so sad. It is sad to think that grandchildren cannot visit their grandparents.....indeed unable to hug one another and spend precious moments in each other's company. As a hugger, this is one thing I have felt very strange about not being able to do. One does wonder how long this situation will go on.
But, let us talk about happy things. Shall we look at what I have been playing with this week?? There are a few happy snaps, but, I thought perhaps you wouldn't mind. =)
I continually think of those whose livelihoods have been lost, whose lives have been turned upside down; so, so sad. It is sad to think that grandchildren cannot visit their grandparents.....indeed unable to hug one another and spend precious moments in each other's company. As a hugger, this is one thing I have felt very strange about not being able to do. One does wonder how long this situation will go on.
But, let us talk about happy things. Shall we look at what I have been playing with this week?? There are a few happy snaps, but, I thought perhaps you wouldn't mind. =)

Until the next time................
Linking up to Kathy's, Slow Sunday Stitching.