Sunday, February 9, 2025

"Freedom, Books, Flowers, And The Moon, Who Could Not Be Happy?" Oscar Wilde

Hello lovely lovelies♡ A lovely Sunday morning welcome to you♡ It's a peaceful morning here. Far, far from the madness....and madding crowd. I've just come in from the garden for my early morning stroll snippety snipping pretty blooms here and there. I'm ready for the first of many a cup of tea;  and later, a little slow stitching of my flowery baskets.

I acquired a couple of fabrics this week, with lush flowers flourishing all over. A pretty floral fabric will always find a home in my fabric stash. Two fabrics are designed by Anne Maria Horner 'Good Gracious', and the other, a lawn from Moda, Chelsea Garden.

There's a fabulous quote on the selvedge of the Chelsea Garden fabric. A quote by Oscar Wilde.  Gotta love an Oscar Wilde quote. There are many memorable ones.  He was a man of incisive wit.     The quote?? 'I can be perfectly happy by myself. With freedom, flowers, books, and the moon, who could not be perfectly happy?' Oscar Wilde

And that, got me thinking............=)

I love this quote. I am that girl who is perfectly content with my own company. And, if there's a  tower of books waiting to be read, encouraging me to journey along the yellow brick road in search of new adventures, exciting mysteries, knowledge, and truth......well so much the better. And, if I can walk in a garden where beautiful blooms brush me as I pass by; and there's many a room in my humble abode where many a vase of flowers intoxicate the air with a potpourri of redolent fragrances; even better.

As for the moon.  That brilliant globe bathing the earth with a silvery, ethereal glow;  cannot but cause a little happiness, can it?? Though a full moon hanging low in the night sky is magical, full of wonder; I rhapsodise a little more when the moon is indistinguishable in an inky black sky and a host of scintillating stars are twinkling above. I have been known to slip out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to indulge in a little star gazing. Just me, a mere mortal, diminutive, insignificant, humbled, looking at the cosmos above; in awe at the sight of the glimmering constellations vastly stretching above and across. It is theatre at its very best.

I am moved, in the innermost depths of me every time I look at a star-lit night sky. I send thoughts and prayers travelling through the galaxies to the Creator. In these times, I send many a prayer heavenwards for some of you, lovely lovelies. Prayers of strength. Prayers to be able to cope with each day and the continual barrage of idiocy of late.

Then the quote states freedom can but make a person happy?? Freedom?? What a can of worms, freedom, is. I've been thinking about the fragility of freedom of late. A free society?? A respectful society. A society tolerant of diversity. Citizens of different skin colours, faiths, backgrounds, social classes and family structures; having the same freedoms to live, dress, worship and believe as they wish. Unfortunately, there are some who would have us all live by their rules, their confined and bigoted ideals. One must never become complacent when governments across the world assume sweeping powers and impose significant restrictions on their citizens. Generations past, fought and died to uphold freedom.  But hey........what do I know......right?? 

Now......if I was penning this quote I would have to include fabric into my happiness gauge. I never walk out of a shop with a pretty fabric or two in my bag, unhappy. Though, when I arrive home there might be some misgivings, a smidgen of guilt  with the acquisition of yet more fabric....but that is easily pushed down, down, down...... into the depths of my consciousness.

I wonder if sumptuous fabrics caused Oscar Wilde to feel a little happiness?? After all, he was a fellow who tended to dress flamboyantly. His choice of fabrics were richly coloured velvets, silks.........dressed in a manner, thumbing his nose up at the strictures of Victorian fashion. Indeed his clothing choices were a form of self expression. I read he  considered life should be as beautiful and full of style as art.  Why, I'm going to don a pair of black patent leather shoes, complete with silver bows, just as Oscar would've worn back in the day, and do a happy dance in concurrence. Yep, Oscar Wilde is my kinda guy. 

Of course my happiness barometer would include, family, sweet sweet grandbabies, friends, stitching, oodles of quilts, chocolate cake, sweet puppy dogs, tea in pretty fine bone china tea cups...........a myriad blessings which cause me to smile. I wonder what causes the mercury in your happiness barometer to rise?? =) 

When I wasn't having fun falling down the rabbit hole reading about all things Oscar Wilde this week, more pretty baskets filled with pretty blooms were hand stitched. And yes, some of the new fabrics were stitched into the baskets.

Who would've thunk it......that a whole lot of musings could've emanated from one quote. But, that's my muddly mind for you. I'll blame it on the oasis that is my pond. I sit there with a cup of tea in hand and think upon the madness and chaos of another week that has slipped into the annals of history. My little light is shining a little brighter today because this week, the world just became a little darker. Sending many hugs wrapped in many prayers to you♡ Why, on the next star-filled, inky black night I will slip out, look up into the theatre of the night sky and whisper a prayer for you♡ Take, care, lovely lovelies♡

Sending you, lovely lovelies, a little flowery love♡ Until the next time......


  1. The news is very disturbing these days...I do not watch it in the would be difficult to sleep afterwards. Your pretty flower baskets are growing in number. Hard to resist the lure of new fabrics to add to the stash... I love a good selvage quote and the creativity of some of the colour spots. take care and keep on stitching and cutting flowers! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. I love those beautiful flower baskets, but the quilt on the bed caught my eyes more. It's so beautiful.

  3. Great post Kim. That quote is brilliant - I can't find quotes like that on my selvedges! And the fabric print is gorgeous too. Lovely baskets - happy stitching. xx

  4. Great quote ! La liberté des uns s'arrête là où commence celle des autres. The freedom of some ends where that of others begins.
    Your little baskets are really cute and beautiful Kim !
    So much work...and patience....
    Have a shinny day in the middle of your flowers !

    1. Truer words were never spoken, Anna. Yes, a lot of patience needed with my flower-filled baskets, but then, I'm a patient kinda girl when it comes to stitching. =) Have a lovely week, lovely lady. Kim Xx

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Kathy. I'm loving your baskets you are stitching at the moment, too. Kim Xx

  6. That is a good quote. Your baskets are so cheerful!

  7. A very timely quote. The fabric that came with it is gorgeous. Happy stitching this week.

  8. Beautiful posting, Kim; all radiating from that lovely quote--words are some of my favorite things to ponder--books rise or fall in my estimation by the author's choice of words for sure..
    .Freedom is such a fleeting concept--so apt to be taken for granted when you have it and then so longed for when it has been wrested from one....
    DH is putting a little garden planting table together for us this morning. We will grow our own lettuces and a few tomatoes and herbs this coming Springtime--who knows what will be available or too costly to buy by then??? Needs must.....

    I just love your little flowery baskets--I must say especially the ones filled with pansies...they will make just a stunning quilt...
    I am enjoying my little cup of coffee while gazing at the 4+" snow that fell overnight covering all our trees and lawns with such a hushed beauty...
    Hugs, Julierose

  9. you are a blessing and you are loved, dear one...

  10. I have never seen a quote on the salvage edge like that - how nice to see. So many pretty flowers and quilts. I try to limit the news it is too distressing

  11. Your beautiful flowers lighten my soul and don't ever feel guilty about buying beautiful fabric tis an innocent indulgence. xx

    1. Well.....I only feel a slight pang guilt, Linda. =) Hoping you enjoy a lovely week. Thank you for stopping by. Kim Xx

  12. What a great quote - finding peace in the midst of a great storm. Your baskets are lovely - a great way to make the world more beautiful!

    1. That quote is a goody, isn't it?? I think more beauty is needed in these dark days. Thank you so much for your sweet visit. Kim Xx

  13. you are such a fine writer, I wish I could walk through your lush gardens and just be safe. I might replace freedom in master Wilde's quote with safety, Your baskets are , squee!! so spring like. So many pretty floral fabrics. I have a collection, big shock, of florals. I haven't settled on a pattern but should do soon so I could put a pretty quilt on our bed.
    Again, keep writing your thoughts, I know you better from them and that connection is so important between people, knowing then accepting and learning from

  14. Beautiful baskets and lovely pictures Kim! I can't watch the news at all, and every time I see bits of it I become more and more disturbed. Have a great week Kim!

  15. Agreed that is a great quote and I too would include fabric! LOL.there are certainly many troubling things being reported on the news at the moment. Lovely pictures as usual. Have a good day. Sarah quiltingbythesea

  16. I am like you. I can be happy with just my own little self. I think mine comes from being an only child. I love all the pretty baskets that you are sewing. The floral fabrics are just beautiful. Enjoy your garden, stitching and musings.

  17. You are truly a marvel, Dear Kim—you seem to know just what to say to belay our worries for a time that there are indeed good, kind, inspiring people in the world…and just what to show us to delight the eye, and thereby uplift the spirit. You have a real gift!!🤩🥰😇 I, too am knocked out by the quilt on your bed!!! Could you please give us a closer look sometime soon? We’d love that! Hugs, Nancy O.

    1. Again, thank you, dear Nancy, for your kind words. About 'that' quilt in my boudoir. It's one I designed and fashioned a while ago honouring Pete's garden that he dreamed up, and slowly made a reality, here in Tassie. I wrote about it, and took far too many photos in a post a couple of years back. If you want to have a lookity look here 'tis. =)

    2. Well, I can clearly see that a *deep* dive into your blog archives is in order! An activity to parcel out and savor over many days—like fine chocolate, ahhh... (Who am I kidding, I’m a glutton for chocolate!😹 But once it’s gone, it’s gone, unlike your gorgeous pages—pics and words—which can delight and inspire over and over again🥳.) Hugs, Nancy O.

    3. Nancy, oh dear, we don't want to bore you to tears, now. Going down the Sarah Lizzie's rabbit hole could prove to be a wee bit tedious. =) Will we ever see you again?? I'm with you re chocolate. It seems to disappear terribly quickly around here. There's no time to savour each delectable square as I gobble it down. Kim Xx

  18. P.S. All those gorgeous flowers, especially the roses, are such a treat to my eyes, here in the wintry Midwest. The delicious pink tints are sooo lovely! To soothe myself at bedtime, I imagine being surrounded by a cloud of rosy pink light with shimmering gold sparkles; it’s really calming— Nancy O.

    1. Your bedtime is stuff of beautiful dreams, lovely Nancy. Kim Xx

  19. Such a riot of beautiful blooms, and pretty flower basket blocks to gaze at and admire here today. You certainly lift my spirits. And you are right, so much evil in the world. Although we are lucky to be far away down here in our beautiful countries, I fear that the depot and his crazy henchmen wild schemes will affect us all, world wide.

  20. Qué cita tan bonita.
    Te imagino saliendo de la tienda de telas con una gran sonrisa y muchos planes en la cabeza................ aunque en casa pensemos que no eran necesarias, que ya tenemos muchas telas..... pero..... ¡no teníamos ésas! concretamente ésas.
    Muchos BESICOS.

  21. Ahhhhhh, yo también soy muy feliz conmigo misma.
    Más BESICOS.

  22. Another lovely flower filled post Kim. Those fabrics & their selvedges are so pretty - maybe you will use the selvedge for something too I am thinking. My happiness barometer would include all the things you have listed but of course, I would add cats & sweet kittens. 💗xx

  23. That is a lovely piece of fabric, Kim, and a beautiful quote on it! I love when the selvage surprises you. Your flower basket blocks are just beautiful - I bet they are fun to make! I enjoyed reading your thoughts - so glad to have you for such a caring, blogging friend!

  24. Oh, dear Kim, your beautiful post has lifted my heart on a foggy, snowy, Seattle day. Your fabrics are so lovely - especially the floral on black - one of my favorites. How wonderful to have quotes on the selvage, too, and a wonderful and very timely quote it is. I'm sure you know my heart is broken for what has happened to my beautiful country. I don't recognize half my countrymen any longer. But there is the other half, and we are fighting hard and believe in freedom, equality, justice, compassion and hope. I do pray that the rest of the world understands this and supports us with how heartbroken we are.
    Seeing all your lovely flowers and pretty needlework and hearing your soothing words lifts my spirits. I, too, enjoy the time alone, and love to contemplate the heavens every night that I can see the stars. Right now it is the Big and Little Dipper that hangs overhead every night. I will be remembering your prayers. Sending hugs xo K

    1. Karen, I'm so sorry you and half of your country are heartbroken with what is happening there. The world is in shock. Well at least those who are not of a conservative right, frame of mind. It's beyond belief and just so sad. I see a lot of people are taking action to fight against Trump's idiocy and evil. This is very good news. I will think of you in your little corner of the world with Mt Rainier looking upon you, and the Big and Little Dipper shining down on you. Take care, lovely lady. Sending many hugs to you, too. Kim Xx

  25. Lovely post Kim. I love seeing your photos. That quilt on the bed is so beautiful.

  26. Oscar Wilde...amazing that you know such pretty little details about someone who has long passed. What makes my barometer rise would have to be old things, my family and friends, yummy chocolate cake, sourdough anything! Thank you for all your understanding and of course, the lovely pictures. I did notice the quilt on the bed; doesn't it look fantastic? I do so love flowers, too. Fabric can be many, whatever takes my fancy at the time. I do appreciate your "Prayers to be able to cope with each day and the continual barrage of idiocy of late." I do wonder if 'the Donald' had fired all the people who had worked on the Super Bowl and installed himself in the position of "head cheese", would the Super Bowl have happened and would the people have finally had enough and ousted him. Thank you for being there for me. You enjoy the moon and the stars, and fabric, and yourself...the same as me. YOU are a joy and a continual source of pleasure; someone to whom I can look up to.

  27. I bought a new daily calendar that has a lot of his quotes along with pretty flowers, you may be seeing a few of them on cards soon :) Appreciate your prayers, I pray that Gods love will shine through and bring wisdom and honor to those in charge.
    Oh thinking on all the blessings it is like you said hard to just pick a few of all the lovely things and people God has blessed us with in our lives, not to mention his love, forgiveness and salvation! Your flowers are just gorgeous and I am imagining all the smells from them. As well as those lovely flower baskets you created, so sweet!

  28. Oscar was amazing for sure.
    All your beautiful flowers have brightened the day for me.
    Glad you enjoy the night sky; it is a vast and wonderous place.
    Many thanks for sharing your cornucopia of beauty, Kim.

  29. Wonderful thoughts you expressed, dear Kim. Thank you very much.
    Beautiful flower baskets you sewed.
    I send you a joyful sunbeam greeting.
    Make your day sound.
    Warmly, Viola

    1. Your gift of joyful sunbeam is like a soft kiss on the cheek. Thank you, dear Viola. Kim Xx

  30. That's a wonderful quote (of course you know how much I love those!). Just returned from our local quilt guild meeting and one of the ladies was showing a sewing kit she made from selvedges which made me wish I'd been smart enough to keep them all along.
    Of course your musings are wonderful to ponder and as always I thank you for the food for thought.
