Sunday, June 9, 2024

More Woolly-ing Around♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ Just sitting here in front of the fire, crocheting and woolly-ing along, with wool in oodles of happy colours.  Yep, I'm granny square-ing again.  The fire is crackling, which is a wonderful thing as outside my window the landscape looks very wintry.  Though the sun is shining it's a little chilly. It is June; and Old Man Winter has arrived.

I don't feel like stitching today. I don't feel like quilting. Crocheting is going to be the order of my day. To tell the truth I haven't picked up needle and thread for several weeks. Deary, deary me, I would really like to have the quilts I'm quilting ready for spring but at this rate, I've got Buckley's. =)

I finished my green crochet cardie. I joined the granny squares together and a scalloped edging again is skipping around the cardie. I always like the scalloped edging as it's both pleasing to my eye and is quick to do. I crocheted plain sleeves in green with a border of mauve and purple at the cuff. Another warm and comfy cardigan that I love to wear. And I must say, there is hardly a day of late when I'm not wearing one of my crochet pretties.

To use up leftover wool from my crochet pretties I'm fashioning another garment for me. I think this time I might fashion a jumper. A crochet pretty to wear around the house. I wear a lot of cardies and jumpers.....vests, for say, eight months of the year. There are oodles of acrylic and synthetic woollies in the stores but I prefer to wear pure wool, and pure wool garments are expensive; hence my need to make woollies. And, I prefer to wear wool that has been 'grown' and manufactured in Australia. After all, Australian merino wool is highly regarded throughout the world. It's on the record as being the best. Sometimes I will purchase wool from other countries; New Zealand wool is lovely, but mostly I seek out Australian.  I prefer to wear pure wool. No acrylics for me. It is a pure wool snob, that I am. =) When my darling mum taught me to knit as a wee child; back in the days when the woolly mammoths roamed upon the earth, she said....."Kimmy......always knit with wool, wool and wool". Another thing she impressed upon me was to handwash woollens in a wool soap and lay the garment flat to dry. And I must say rarely do I wash knitted garments in the washing machine. I'm a handwashing woollen, kinda gal.

But...back to my new bundle of granny squares. Some of the colours are leftover from my first cardie and I added a couple of shades of aqua, and a teal to the mix. I need to purchase balls of wool for the main colour, for the joining of the granny squares and the sleeves, but I'm still dithering about which shade.

Oh, what a tangled mess I weave. 

Time for a cuppa and a little granny square-ing in front of the fire. I'll see some of you over at Kathy's place later on.

Have a lovely Sunday, lovely lovelies. Let your light shine brightly; and with kindness, in your little corner of the world ♡

Until the next time.......


  1. Charming vignettes! Gorgeous crochet! Hugs and blessings.

    1. Thank you, lovely Maristella. Many blessings to you, this Sunday morning. Kim Xx

  2. The granny square sweaters are so pretty! You do a good job, happy stitching!

  3. The granny squares are so gorgeous! The colour palette would make a great quilt! (wink, wink!)

  4. I love the colour palette of your crochet granny squares, Kim! They inspire me to make a quilt in similar shades!

  5. I like that circle you show in the first photo. I love wool yarn and can use it in afghans or scarfs if it is loose (do not tie or wrap tight) but no wool tight to the neck or body or I Itch!! then it is acrylic even though I don't like acrylic yarn as much.

  6. Beautiful cardi ! It will be useful !
    Lovely squares....The mix of colors is perfect !
    Have a cozy week !

    1. Thank you, lovely Anna. Oh, how I love happy colour! Cardies are always useful. I seem to live in mine. =) As for me having a cozy week; with the fire blazing away, I certainly shall. Kim Xx

  7. That cardio out beautifully. Wool is so nice to wear and warm too. Your granny squares are woollen flowers to brighten your days until the garden blooms again.

  8. Oh yes, I am with you, wool all the way. I see no point in spending time knitting or crocheting with anything else. I love your cardi, such a beautiful finish and your new project is looking lovely and colourful. Happy crochet days. xx

  9. Your cardie turned out beautifully! Enjoy playing with your wool and squares. You've got some wonderful colors woven into your new project.

  10. Your green cardie looks so cosy and warm. Enjoy it on those cold winter days! Do you use a pattern or just wing it?

  11. Nice granny squares Kim! Love your cardi and granny square bunting. Have a lovey day.

  12. I love seeing what you're crocheting, since that isn't a skill I have! Such pretty projects and colors. Isn't it great to have choices of what to work on, depending on your mood? Have a wonderful day, Kim!

  13. Such pretty and colorful granny squares!

  14. Ya veo que estás disfrutando mucho con las lanas y el crochet, es una agradable labor y tu chaqueta es preciosaaaaaaa. BESICOS.

  15. Gorgeous blocks, and love your sweater! Have a great week Kim, and hope you can warm up!

  16. Your green cardigan is so pretty. I love all of those pretty colorful granny squares. Personally I prefer acrylic as I will itch all day long with wool. Enjoy your knitting.

  17. Your green crochet cardy has turned out beautifully, Kim, and will be lovely and cozy to wear in the dreary winter days. I'm with you on wool, prefer to knit with it for myself, and have no problem with hand washing my woolly garments and wool socks.

  18. Lovely wooly warm post Kim, your cardy is so pretty. Looking forward to seeing your new creation.

  19. Hi Kim
    Love your new cardigan. Great colours for your new jumper.
    Agree with you , wool is so much nicer.
    Best wishes Kay c xx

    1. So, you're a wool girl too, lovely Kay?? =) 'Tis so much nicer to wear natural fibres, isn't it?? Thank you for your sweet visit. Have a wonderful week. Kim Xx

  20. Today I wish I were sitting next to you by that fire. It's only 60 degrees F, which feels quite chilly after our 70's and 80's. It's been rainy here and I still have flowers that haven't gotten planted out. Next week, it will probably be in the 90's and I'll be complaining it's too hot. I love the pansy tea cozy. Did you make that as well?

  21. LJ here. What a good time (when it's cool and wintry outside) you'll have with your crocheting and your fire. Oh my goodness, 8 months!! I don't even have a sweater/jumper anymore - just a few long sleeves. Yep, the windows are getting washed (They were in an awful state!) so that my light can shine through. Ohhh, it'll be coming out so brightly. Love your tea cozy, the pansies are superb; are they crocheted or knitted?

  22. Your green Granny square cardy is just lovely Kim but I am also loving the colour way in your new squares - that coral & the blues are just gorgeous. Enjoy your week & stay warm !! xx

  23. Your cardigan is so gorgeous, Kim. Woo Hoo on the finish! I love your teapot cozy too. Enjoy working on your new Granny squares. Hugs.

  24. Oh Kim! I love the green one and the next one is going to be lovely, too! You are a color whiz! I love everything you make. I hope you stay nice and warm, sweet friend!

  25. The crocheted sweater is absolutely wonderful!!!! All of your photos are as well. The fire looks so relaxing, but I will keep my sunny summer days right now since it has only just warmed up.

  26. What wonderful crocheting you have done. I so admire you for sticking with it and finishing garments. I lost interest and it sits. But granny squares have become so popular and look so great as sweaters/jumpers.

  27. Fireplace and candles and tons of colorful wool from Merino sheep... what could be nicer.
    I only wash my woolen clothes by hand... they really need special care.
    Your green jacket turned out beautifully. And the other parts, as they present themselves in the candlelight... so beautiful, dear Kim.
    I wish you continued happiness.
    Thank you, it's a pleasure to visit you.
    A hug from me for you.

  28. ...I forgot - we call this beautiful crocheted tea cozy pansies... I like it so much, I want it too :-))))

    1. So you're another hand washing of woollens lady, too, Viola. I believe woollens will be enjoyed for years when treated with special care. Thank you for your sweet words re my crochet cardies; I do love wearing it. As for the tea cosy; it's a pretty one. It keeps my tea steaming hot. =) Every tea drinker should have a tea cosy covered in with pretty pansies. =) Kim Xx

  29. I am happy to see granny squares being reinvented in a modern way and might be tempted to create something if the right pattern comes along. Must do some consultations with Mr. Google!
    I love how you completed your new sweater and that not all the squares were florals. That design choice adds a lot to the overall finish. Love it!

  30. I love your green cardigan and all those coloured squares are beautiful.I haven't crocheted in ages. I'm very tempted to try some pansies. Your cosy is wonderful!

  31. Well done Kim your cardigan is lovely I love the flower in the centre granny square. Did you have a pattern for your cardigan or have you designed it yourself? I'm so pleased that you have caught the crochet bug too I honestly don't know what I would do without it. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  32. Oh your Cardi is so pretty in those colors, I do love the scalloped edging! Isn't it funny how we listen to our mother's or just do what they did, there are so many things that hubby says so why do you do it like that and I will say because my mom did :)
    You have a big assortment of yarns there to pick from too :) I know that you are supposed to hand wash wool but did not know that there is wool soap.

  33. These are lovely! I have always hand-washed wools until I got my new washing machine. It has a delicate cycle with a low/no spin that I've taken the chance and pop my older stuff in there. :-o
