Sunday, June 23, 2024

Woolly Goodness ♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ A lovely, Sunday morning, welcome to my little place, where woolly goodness abounds♡

This week I crocheted my woolly pretty each day and all of a sudden, before me is a finished, crochet woolly. I'm besides myself with great joy! =) 

A jumper dancing with granny squares of colour, colour, and then some. Last week I was in the process of joining all the granny squares together with the join-as-you-go method, front and back; which left the sleeves to be made. I also crocheted a scallop border along the hem and neckline. The sleeves are clusters of double crochet in the main scuba blue colour with pops of confetti-like colour tumbling towards the edge. Love all these pops of colour. Happy little mosaics of happiness.

This is my fifth garment that I've crocheted and can say that I've fine-tuned little elements since I first began to skip along the woolly crochet path. I have found with learning to crochet and then fashioning cardies, and now a jumper;  quite a bit of problem solving happened along the way. But this is always the case when one experiments, makes it up as one goes along, and happily plays. We creatives always seem to be problem solving; are we not??

Gotta love a swan, gliding gracefully among tangled, loop-de-loopying woollyness ♡

Another crochet woolly to keep me warm these chilly, wintry days.  I've been wearing all my crochet woollies a lot this last little while. Will I fashion another?? You betcha! I'm thinking a  crochet pretty in blues, pinks, mint greens and white for spring would be rather nice.  But for now, a little break from crochet. For Slow Sunday Stitching later this evening I'll be hand quilting my Crazy Flowers quilt. I have to fly as I'll be out and about all day. Have a wonderfully colourful day, lovely lovelies♡

Until the next time......


  1. Your sweater looks so warm and cozy, very pretty! Enjoy your quilting!

  2. I love the scarf that you knitted the colors are beautiful and bright - I pulled my sweater back out to work on this week while I take a short break from my hexagons - I am slow going at it but one day maybe it will be done!

  3. Your cardigan looks so warm and absolutely beautiful, Kim. I say you do have crocheting the cardigans fine tuned. Woo Hoo on completing 5 ! Enjoy quilting on Crazy Flowers today. I look forward to seeing your update. Hugs.

  4. You are on a roll! Another gorgeous original creation, will keep you warm and cozy this season.

  5. Beautiful Kim - I am tempted to have a go myself! xx

  6. Hi Kim
    Such a lovely jumper. Great colours, they all sing happily together.
    Look forward to seeing your spring jumper.
    Have a great week.
    Best wishes Kay cxx

    1. Thank you so much, lovely Kay. Yes, I think the colours sing happily together, too. Maybe if I start a spring jumper/cardie now......spring will come sooner?? =) I can but dream. Have a lovely week basking in the summery sunshine. Kim Xx

  7. Beautiful ! Colorful ! Very 70's !
    This week I saw a lot of crochet clothes in window shops...You are in ;) Kim !
    Lovely flowers and pictures !
    Have a cozy week !

  8. Crocheted sweaters are definitely trending these days—yours is very pretty. The colours and design are so you! A great way to pass the time inside where it is warm. Here, it is so hot, we are staying inside to keep cool! Sweltering hot outside! Gail at the Cozy quilter

  9. I just love that look of Granny Square cardigans...your colorways are just gorgeous!!
    Beautiful work on these hugs, Julierose

  10. That is a great jumper! Granny squares and warm winter woolies. What’s not to love! Sarah quilting by the sea

    1. There's a lot to love about granny squares and warm winter woollies, isn't there, Sarah?? It seems I have a wee slight addiction for granny squares. =) Kim Xx

  11. Another lovely wooley! They are all beautiful and so cozy looking. Enjoy!

  12. You will be so cozy and cute in your sweater!

  13. I love how you edged the sleeves of the pretty jumper with all the colors of the granny squares. I am sure you will enjoy wearing this all winter. Keep warm.

  14. Those are the prettiest colors, Kim! I can see why you love your finish so much. The next color plan sounds wonderful, too. Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday!

  15. Lo tiene todo, alegre, calentito y precioso. Disfrútalo mucho y BESICOS.

  16. What a lovely project to have appear at the end of that pretty yarn.

    1. Thank you, Ann. Isn't it nice when pretty yarn magically turns into a pretty pretty?? =) Kim Xx

  17. Dear Kim, you really have crochet fever :-)) great work. I'm excited.
    Of course you still need a jacket for spring with spring colors, I'm looking forward to your choice of colors... that's actually the best, isn't it? I knitted Fair Isle patterns for a long time, you know?
    The beautiful colors and patterns of your new jacket made from the woolly, warm fabric are simply stunningly beautiful.
    Well done. Congratulations and best regards to you.
    Hug from Viola

    1. It seems I do indeed have crochet fever, Viola. =) Yes, choosing colours and yarns for a woolly pretty is the best fun. I'm impressed you used to knit a lot of fair isle patterns. I've always loved fair aisle woollies, especially garments with patterns dancing around the yoke. Have a beautiful day dancing in your summery place, lovely Viola. Kim Xx

  18. Seeing the name 'jumper' made me smile because it's another instance of words being different here - we'd call it a 'pullover' (I assume a nod to the fact that you have to pull it over your head). No matter what it's called, it's a pretty and I'm sure you look lovely wearing it.

  19. Ooh - what fun! Ah, the experimenting process! Looks beautiful.

  20. Your crochet jumper is just beautiful Kim & I really LoVe those colours together. It is not a combination I would've thought of but it is stunning! Love all the yarn squished into the swan !!! We've had "internet issues" again so I am late to comment. Enjoy the week dear Kim xx

  21. I noticed in one of your photos a lovely flower arrangement that perfectly matched the colors of your jumper. You always have just the right props to go with your projects. And the swan is delightful. I started collecting swans, but decided I had too many "collections", so I have just a few small white ones. Hope you are keeping warm. Our heat wave has finally retreated.

  22. I do love the colors you used and the way you used the different colors on the edge of the sleeve. You have a nice collection going there, nice that you are able to figure out how to adjust things to make it better :)

  23. Very pretty sweater! The colors work so well together. Stay warm and stich. We've hit summer here and it's hot. I envy you the cooler days you are having.

  24. That is gorgeous - and you style your photos so beautifully!

  25. Amazing knitting! Hugs and blessings.

    1. Thank you, lovely Maristella, for your sweet visit and lovely words. Kim Xx

  26. Beautiful wooly cosy post, well done on the finish, you have crafted a beautiful jumper.

  27. As always, I sure enjoy my visit to your happy blog. Your photos are so fun to look at. You are a master at staging them perfectly for our pleasure!
    The word "jumper" in your world is more like a "sweater" in mine. It is fun to learn lingo differences. I also enjoyed reading about your learning process. Do you create the pattern as you go - sleeves, neckline, and such, or do you have a pattern?

  28. Such a wonderful cardigan of granny squares! I love your color palette and seeing it in the different views shows off your even stitches and creative touches to make it specially for you! You definitely have learned a lot in your wonderful progress of all these you have made. Kudos to the finish!

  29. So pretty.
