Sunday, June 16, 2024

Cosying Down And Stitching ♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ A lovely welcome to my little home♡   Come on in. The lights are a-glowing,  the fire is a-blazing and the kettle's boiling for a cup of tea ♡  Let us have a cosy chat, shall we??

Another week flashes by to the land of memories. A wintry week of rainbows, pelting rain, frosty mornings, cozy fires, sunny days, wintry flowers, crocheting......and a little hand quilting.

My daughter who has just spent two weeks on a vacation, road tripping through Canada, asked me...."and what have you been up to mum...what's new with you??". meandering through gorgeous Canadian landscapes here, just the same ol' same ol' really. BUT......the same ol' same ol' in this little place in which I live is rather wonderful, thank you very much; for each day I wake up thankful that I get to live in this little corner of God's sweet earth. Though, mind you, I wouldn't mind exploring and holidaying in Canada, (especially as Canada at this time of the year, would be basking in summer). I must say though, living here in this far rural outpost rather feels like I'm holidaying every single day.

This week I pulled out my Crazy Flowers quilt and enjoyed hand quilting. Desiring this pretty to be finished by the time Lady Spring floats in on a gentle spring breeze, I decided I had better get a move on. I started this quilt in 2022 with the thought of making crazy patch flowers from smidgens of scrap fabric. I machine stitched fabric scraps onto an octagon shape, then English paper pieced the octagon-shaped flowers and squares together. The quilting is easy and rather relaxing with the stitches do-si-doing around and around the flowers. I will continue hand quilting this pretty this afternoon for Slow Sunday Stitching. Adding a little springtime joyfulness into this very wintry day.

The crochet granny square vibe continued this week. More granny squares were crocheted and  I'm now joining these together to form the front and back. The sleeves still need to be crocheted. 

Armfuls of proteas were pilfered from my friend, Trish's garden. I left some on her bush.....but not many. =)

The tea is made if you would like to pop in. Oh, and there's cake, too, lemon coconut cake. Yum! There's always time for a natter, and a cup of tea♡ AND.....there's always time for cake ♡

From my little home to yours, have a wonderful day, lovely lovelies♡

Until the next time......


  1. Your flowers and the quilt and the granny squares all coordinate quite nicely! I will be right by for some tea. What part of Canada did your daughter visit? If you are ever in my neck of the woods, do come by for a visit! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. Beautiful views, flowers, quilts, rainbow - everything. I love visiting your lovely blog.

  3. I would love to join you with tea and lemon coconut cake as I admire your beautiful Crazy Flowers. They are so beautiful. How fun to that your needle and thread will be meandering along on this garden quilt. I wish you daughter safe travels as she explores Canada. Hugs.

  4. Hi Kim
    Would love to stop by for tea cake and a chat.
    So like your crazy quilt, what a great idea.
    Such pretty flowers.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Best wishes Kay cXX

    1. And....I would love you to stop by, lovely Kay, stay a while and chat the day away while we drink tea and eat cake♡ That would be the best fun. Those flowers are a bit crazy, aren't they?? Have a fabulous week, lovely lady. Kim Xx

  5. Comfy with a beautiful view...
    And lovely crafts in your hand Kim...Perfect !
    Your flowers (proteas) are gorgeous !
    Have a cozy week !

  6. Beautiful rainbows! Enjoy your slow stitching and playing with yarn this week. Both projects are coming together nicely.

  7. Gorgeous rainbow. Enjoy your day with threads and flowers. I will spend my morning outside as my part of the world begins to warm up. Marthanne

  8. I love your attitude of thankfulness! That is something we so desperately need! With gasoline so high we have curtailed many of our day trips but hope to do one soon. Your quilts are so beautiful. You are very skilled at this talent!

  9. What an absolutely fabulous quilt you are stitching, Kim;!!))) Lovely flowery fabrics...
    I really like all those little pieces scattered all over--a real treat for the eyes;))
    I'll be over for that tea and cake for sure--hahaha--if only, right? We are off to visit my daughter for Father's Day so will be slow stitching during the car trip....hugs, Julierose

  10. Love those hexies and what a great way to use up small scraps. Happy hand quilting!

  11. such a pretty rainbow and all the color on your blog - the hexies are wonderful!! Canada is so nice at this time of year and it has been years since I was there I do hope your daughter enjoys her time there.

  12. Its great to travel but always lovely to come home to cosy comfort and familiar routines. Lovely pictures Kim, as always. xx

  13. an easy breath of fresh air whenever i visit - you are a sweet and lovely blessing in my Life

  14. You take the most beautiful photos of your flowers and stitching projects and where you live, Kim! I just want to come right over and have tea with you. Your Crazy Flowers quilt looks lovely! Enjoy your stitching time today.

  15. thank you for being a sweet and lovely blessing in my Life

  16. Hi Kim! What a delight to read your lovely posts each week. We are having very warm temps this week in the northern Hemisphere - 90s all week. I feel as though I am on perpetual vacation in my little corner of the world, too! Your Crazy Flowers quilt is absolutely stunning, and I will be eager to see it's reveal as you work toward your goal of finishing in time for (your) spring! Happy stitching to you!

  17. Love those crazy hexies and the flowers are gorgeous. Wish I could send you some of this 90-100+ degree weather we are having! Happy stitching and crocheting!

  18. Yes please... I'd love a cup of tea and a bit of cake! Those photos are so beautiful... the rainbow, the quilting, the flowers... totally deliciousness! Enjoy your stitching!

  19. Grateful for our virtual Tea time... Grateful for the beauty and faith you share... Grateful for your artwork... Blessings dear Kim!

  20. Celebro que tu día haya estado lleno de color gracias a las labores y las preciosas proteas.
    Disfruta del té con pastel y BESICOS.

  21. Oh Yes Please to the tea & cake Kim!!! How I wish!!! Everything is looking so pretty despite it being mid winter. Love the quilting & crochet & those Proteas are just such stunning colours. Wishing you a creative week x0x

  22. I may have to go make my lemon coconut quick bread now. My mouth is watering. Your granny squares are so pretty. I like the way you are adding the hand quilting. It looks beautiful. The flowers are very pretty. Enjoy your tea and quilting by the fire.

  23. Hi Kim, thanks for the invitation into your beautiful home! It's funny to hear that it's winter, but there's no snow outside. Do you get any? We are starting a heat wave so I hope that your daughter will keep cool - but Canada is huge, so she may be somewhere that's not so hot and humid! I got to play in my garden yesterday so that it's ready for the heat. There aren't many flowers blooming, but it won't be long now! Take care.

  24. Your beautiful projects are always a riot of gorgeous colour. I always feel so lucky when I spy a rainbow, who needs a pot of gold with all this beauty around.

  25. The florist here sometimes has proteas in stock and I always covet some but never have succumbed.
    Our little part of Canada is enjoying a heat wave at the moment (30C right now at 6 pm). Apparently the all-time heat record for this day has been broken. Of course I'm enjoying it, at least until the humidity level increases substantially.

  26. Ah, Kim the proteas (a flower unfamiliar to me) blend in so nicely with your Crazy Flowers. And what wonderful rainbow photos. We're in the middle of a heat wave with temps in the 90Fs, which is quite warm for this early in summer. Enjoy your tea and cake and cuddle up with that quilt as you stitch away.

  27. Your pieced flowers are just gorgeous and your quilting of them is looking so pretty. You do know spring will be here before you know it, time seems to just fly by. I do like my home but would be nice to be on a few acres of trees and ponds and such to enjoy too, but thankful for what I do have. We have not decided what we will do this year for our vacation, we are dealing with extremely HOT temps right now so not in any hurry to get out there and explore in this heat.
    Love the rainbow pictures too!

  28. I totally enjoy your tea time visit. I like a good rainy day for reading and sitting in a comfy spot all curled up. I admire your crafts so very much. The quilting of scraps is truly amazing. I love the blocks and how fresh they look and know your hand quilting will make it so much more special. Did you follow a pattern or just added random shapes? So interesting! Then the addition of the squares in the corner. Ah, just lovely. I had to look up the proteas. Your photography shows off the flower parts so beautifully with such detail. Blessings to YOU!

  29. Oh yes please Kim to the tea and cake! Love your crochet and the quilt, such pretty colours. Beautiful rainbow photos and the protea are lovely too.

  30. I have been browsing this same post again and just had to add that the crazy pieced hexies are a joy!!! They can't be easy to stitch together with those seams. Do you had stitch them or do it by machine before joining the together EPP style? Also, you are hand quilting them? That cannot be easy with all the seams. So beautiful!!
