Sunday, September 8, 2024

Flower Meadow - A Quilty Finish♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ A springtime welcome to my little place. Did I say a springtime welcome?? Well.....Lady Spring arrived, albeit  tentatively, painting the landscape with  a host of those happy rays of sunshine, the daffodils; but of course Old Man Winter wasn't going to leave without a lot of huff and puff...and bluster. He wasn't going to leave my little corner of the world for other lands, without pulling out all tricks and putting on quite the show. This little island at the bottom of the world quivered and quaked under his might and power this past week.  Electricity outages for days on end, thunderous skies lashing us mere mortals with torrential rain and gale force winds; uprooting trees, floods, damaging many a house etc etc. Why, the whole of Tassie was in blackness......and I think, sadly, some still are. As for the garden here at my little place....oh dear.... let's just say, it's one helluva mess.

So, sitting day after day in front of the open fire, with a gazillion candles casting a lovely glow everywhere, diminishing the darkness; and tea percolating in a billy among the flames, I stitched the finishing stitches to my Flower Meadow quilt. Yes indeedy, while Old Man Winter carried on a treat, swaggering and ranting outside my picture windows, I finished my Flower Meadow  pretty.

Flower Meadow imaginings began in January 2023 when the roses and dahlias were sashaying in the summer sun, with me just desiring to play with fabrics; and play with EPP hexies. No thinking; just playing. After all, playing with hexies is my happy place. A mosaic of hexie flowers randomly growing together in an effusion of colour and pattern in a quilt sounded like the most wonderful of ideas.

My fabric stash is overflowing with florals so what better way to display the beauty of these floralicious delights than all together in a quilt; with flower hexies sashaying together in a flower meadow. So many of the hexies were fussy cut and I must say my Flower Meadow  is very pleasing to my eyes. I love the movement of colour and pattern in this quilt.  Swathes of colour move throughout the quilt in a harmonious and eye pleasing way. Well, it is to my eyes. =)  Swathes of happy, harmonious colour exactly as one would see in a natural flower meadow♡

I hand quilted around each hexie flower and also the centre hexie of each flower. My ethos of 'KISS' hand quilting once again because as you know I like my quilting to be 'keep it simple stupid'. =) The quilting around the green border is in a stepped design and the binding is the backing fabric which is a pretty, darker green with ditsy flowers flourishing all over. Another pretty quilt completely hand stitched from 'go to whoa'.......just the way I like my quilts to be♡

Sending you sprinkles of sunshiny, springtime love, on this rather, shall we say, rainy and winter-like Sunday. =) Perhaps Lady Spring will come out from her hidey hole and cast her sunshiny smile upon me and this little island on which I live, this coming week. Fingers crossed she does. Thank you so much for stopping by my little place. I know it's been a while. =) Have a wonderful day, lovely lovelies♡

Until the next time......

Linking this week to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching 


  1. Happy Spring, Kim. What a lovely finish to start the season off with. It looks so beautiful in your garden of daffodils. Beautiful job. Have a lovely day. Hugs.

  2. Such a beautiful quilt Kim, congratulations on your finish. Oh dear, your weather sounds just awful, lots to do in the garden I am sure. xx

  3. Flower Meadow is beautiful--each individual rosette is pretty as well as the whole quilt look. Lovely piece--nice work hugs, Julierose

  4. Relieve that you manage to weather the conditions. A nice hot cup of tea will see you through most things. Such a beautiful quilt! A flower garden inside to compliment the one outside (or what’s left after all that wind and rain).

  5. Gorgeous quilt Kim ! A lot of work, patience for a beautiful final ! Bravo !
    Lovely flowers and pictures too.
    Not having electricity is is completely nuts those days...
    Glad you are back...
    Have a shinny week !

  6. Your quilt is stunning, so much spring flowering goodness!! Your photos are beautiful. I hope the garden survives the bad weather - why does it come in spring time when the spring flowers are flowering I always ask??

  7. Such a beautiful quilt! Perfect to cheer you up on dreary days. I love all your florals, they so happy.

  8. Beautiful quilt in your signature style! Flowers everywhere! I love it when the daffodils bloom in the spring. I hope it doesn't take too long to get your gardens cleaned up after the storms. The number and severity of storms is certainly increasing around the world. Very scary. Nice to see your back to blogging! Take care. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  9. Gorgeous quilt and amazing vignettes. Sending prayers. Hugs dear Kim.

    1. Thank you so much, lovely Maristella. The sun is shining today.....much cause to celebrate. =) Kim Xx

  10. Flower Meadow is just gorgeous, Kim! The perfect way to celebrate the (almost!) arrival of Spring. I love the way you made each hexie flower with the same print, and together they all make a beautiful bouquet. The border and binding fabric really fit, too. Lovely finish!

  11. sounds like you had nasty storms but came through ok. Love all your flowers - real and fabric!!

  12. i have missed your Light - such a good feeling to see you again!!!

  13. Happy Spring, your hexie quilt is beautiful. Love all the florals. Hopefully the storms settle down this week. I am still facing the horrible heat here. Waiting for a break in the weather maybe to get out next week and do some much needed work in the garden. Happy stitching!

  14. Gorgeous! KISS is a fabulous system. :D

    1. Michelle, isn't it just?? The KISS system is always my go to when it comes to hand quilting a pretty. Thank you so much for stopping by. Kim Xx

  15. Hurray, you're back. And with another delightful, flowery quilt to share. So sorry you had such bad weather. Mother Nature always has to have the last word when seasons change. We've finally begun to cool down and the leaves are showing signs of color change. So nice to see the bouquets of dafs all over your charming home.

  16. Qué alegría volver a leerte y ver tus preciosas fotos llenas de colores. Esa colcha es preciosa y ésa tela trasera en fondo verde monísima. BESICOS.

  17. As always, it is a breath of fresh air to view all of your gorgeous flowers! And the quilt! Absolutely divine! Happy Spring to you! We are entering our Autumn and I am so looking forward to the cooler days!

    1. Hello lovely Doniene, such a lovely surprise to have you visit my little place. Thank you for your beautiful words re my quilt and flowers. Now that spring is here I'm excited about the parade of flowers which will bloom over the next months. I hope all is well with you and your family in Texas. I can well imagine. you are looking forward to the cooler days of Fall after the blistering days of your Summer. Thank you so much for stopping by, lovely lady. Kim Xx

  18. Welcome back. Another gorgeous creation, full of pretty Spring vibes. Spring is trying to come here, and push Winter away.

  19. Lovely florals and hexies were made for each other. So pretty. Hand stitching is a good KISS method especially when there are power outages, your hands could keep busy.

  20. LJ here. I've missed you even though I knew you were enjoying Riley. :) Love the quilt - so full of joy. In your picture #9, there is a bouquet of flowers in a vase. I, too, have a couple of those - from my daughter. You have so many flowers, but I especially love them in the cool months since flowers are so rare. Isn't that a wonderful picture with the reflection of the opposite wall? I am sure that you enjoyed your time off and enjoyed all things Riley. Have a great week even if you're little place is rather "one helluva mess". After our derecho of 2020, we had no electricity for 12 days! One doesn't realize how often we use electricity until the coffee maker, the iron, the sewing machine, etc. don't work.

  21. Oh, so lovely! It has been a pleasure seeing your progress on this quilt.

    1. Thank you so very much for your lovely words re my Flower Meadow quilt. Progress at times seemed very slow but now that my pretty is finished I can now just enjoy all the pretty flowers dancing together. Kim Xx

  22. Hi sweet Kim, it's great to hear from you :-) I'm sorry that the old man didn't want to leave and made life rough on your island. We are slowly getting ready for fall here - although today was cold but too early to turn on the heat since it'll be warm again tomorrow. I love temperate weather - and usually fall is my favourite - at least for a month or so. Take care. Your hexie quilt is exquisite!

  23. Kim, Flower Meadow is beautiful. It shouts Spring! I am sorry to hear that the weather was so awful in your area. No mention was made of it here.....or at least I was not aware of it. It is always so difficult when you lose power. At least you had the fireplace for warmth and a quilt to stitch. We are heading into Autumn here, but Summer is still leaving us with warm afternoons. It was great to see an update from you.

  24. So pretty! What a great finish to end winter and start spring with. We are slowly sliding into autumn here, very slowly.

  25. Your Flower Meadow is a beauty. I hope Old Man Winter has blown himself out now and sunnier days are heading your way :)

  26. Hi Kim
    Your quilt is so pretty, it has inspired me to finish my epp quilt.
    Lovely to see the daffodils, spring is my favourite is autumn here and turning cold.
    Have a great week.
    Best wishes Kay cxx

    1. Kay, I don't envy your cold weather, though to tell the truth it's a wee bit too chilly here at the moment. I long for the warmer days of Spring. I hope you finish your EPP quilt. EPP quilts are fun to fashion, aren't they?? I hope you have a fabulous week, lovely Kay. Thank you for your sweet visit. Kim Xx

  27. I am so sorry to hear about the terrible weather you all have had down there, so glad you have come out of it and hopefully will never have to deal with that again. Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous, love the hexie quilting you did on the base too, lovely fabrics!

  28. Stormy weather! I hope it has blown over and won't come back. The quilt is lovely! The colors are wonderful and the whole thing is so cheerful. Happy spring!

  29. You, my dear, are a prolific quilter and artist! Always handmade treasure beyond belief! Whay "eye candy" indeed!
