Saturday, July 20, 2024

A quick hello........then au revoir

Hello lovely lovelies♡ A quick hello from my cosy parlour, on this chilly and rainy Tassie afternoon. We've had old friends visit our little home over the last little while. Hence, I've been absent for a wee bit. Why they wanted to experience a Tassie mid-winter, I'll never know; but they did! I suppose some will fly over land and sea and brave the harshest of weather conditions to spend time with me and My Pete. Of course, there are some who would fly over continents and oceans in the opposite direction just to get away from me. But, there you go. =) Time spent with our dear friends was wonderful of course. We seemed to have spent a lot of time sitting in front of the fire chatting, while Old Man Winter and Jack Frost did their dastardly deeds outside the picture windows. We chatted about many a topic......God, politics (yikes!!) American Christian Nationalism (a 'shake-one's-head-in-complete-befuddlement', resounding YIKES!!!!), forever friendships, children, grandbabies, books, why living in Australia is well, good......the whole gamut of subjects really; washing it all down with cuppa after cuppa in pretty tea cups, of course.

Oh my giddy aunt it's been freezing here. Morning after morning of ice sheathed landscapes.......frozen water pipes etc etc. Why, one could've ice skated on the frozen driveway if one had a pair of those vintage ice skates from days of old. But as there isn't a pair of those vintage pretties in my vintage-filled home, I didn't. Such a pity, really. But then, I never could remain upright skating on ice. The sight of my unattractive cankles bulging out of a pair of vintage skates with me trying to manoeuvre toe jumps, spins....the Axel, well.......utterly cringeworthy. Just not a pretty sight.

 Oh....and while I'm on the subject of cringeworthy, what about the cringefest that is the RNC, that went down this week!! With my vomit bucket close by I watched snippets of sycophants sucking up to the Supreme Court enabled, wannabe 'king'. Oh my goodness, I wonder how you, my American friends, stomach it all??!! Twilight zone-ish, really. One really couldn't make this stuff up!!

But lets leave the circus that is American (Republican) politics the circus tent and fasten the entrance flaps of the Big Top so that all the buffoonery remains inside, unable to escape. The Liar of all liars and his clown alley, the pratfall and shudder of clowns    go on and on and on, regurgitating the same  unhinged nonsense over and over. It's the same ol' same ol'.  Until he.....they......come up with something that looks like adulting.....then, and only then may those entrance flaps be flung open. But.....let us, you and me, chat about other things, shall we?? Books?? Sewing?? Crochet?? Slow Stitching Sunday?? Even the weather?? Any subject is more aggreeable than what went down this week in the country that is regarded 'Leader of the Free World'!

Let me chat about crochet as to tell the truth, I haven't participated in creative pursuits of late. I'm crocheting a top, dancing in gelato-inspired, yummy colours which sing Spring, Spring, Spring I'm using Patons 4ply merino wool and I must say it's lovely and soft; perfect for a Tassie spring. Granny squares. Again. Ho-hum. But not ho-hum  to me, as I love granny squares. =) Oh, how I love to sashay around the Tassie countryside in a crochet, granny square pretty

As I intimated in the heading, a very quick hello and now au revoir. Pete and I are off for a little holiday to warmer climes to celebrate a very auspicious first birthday. My sweet Riley turns one next week. How amazing!! And...where oh where did those twelve months go?!!! From being born so, so tiny at eleven weeks premi to now, a healthy happy one year old......well ......I'm just so thankful we all are able to celebrate the miracle which is our sweet Riley. So au revoir lovely lovelies. I don't know when I will return to my little place here in blog land. Perhaps when Lady Spring floats in, heavy laden with arms overflowing with daffodils, tulips, irises, lilacs, granny bonnets, forget-me-nots.........♡ I am beside myself with great joy just dreaming about the miracle which is Spring!! All those heady fragrances and colours dancing on a gentle, spring breeze♡ Such bliss♡

From Sarah Lizzie's 'tis au revoir for now♡ Enjoy a wonderful day♡ 


  1. Lovely 'cold' pictures Kim, there is something so beautiful about frost in the sunshine. Gorgeous crochet too. Have a wonderful trip and birthday party. xx

  2. How beautiful can be the winter, but I know this is not your favorite season ;)) Spring is coming, and now with the joy to see your sweet little one, I'm very happy for you. Enjoy this family time, I send you kisses and flowers.

  3. It sure does look cold and frosty in your neck of the woods! We have been melting with hot and humid weather here. I think I prefer the spring and the fall when it is not too hot, not too cold , but just right, somewhat like the bed that Goldilocks curled up in for a nap.
    We are watching what is going on in the US from a much closer vantage point, horrified. Let’s just hope cooler heads prevail.
    What an exciting celebration you will have for Riley’s birthday! She had a rough start in this world but I am so happy she is doing well now. Happy Birthday, Riley!
    Enjoy your trip and family time.
    Those sherbet granny squares are just perfect for spring.
    Gail at the cozy quilter.

    1. Hi Gail,
      And yet today, more developments the other side of your border. There's never a dull moment in the USofA. =) I love the sound of Goldilocks curled up in bed for a nap. Though spring and summer here in Tassie is the perfect time of year. The summer months are lovely balmy warm days with a few hot days thrown in. Riley certainly did have a rough start but she is progressing well. Just this week she has figured out how to crawl. She is so very sweet. So, so looking forward to lots of cuddles and kisses over the next little while. Looking forward too, to a holiday in warmer climes. Thank you for your lovely visit I hope you have a pleasant week. Kim Xx

  4. Cold outside (lovely pictures Kim), cozy inside with sweet colors for your crochet...
    Have a nice holidays ! Happy Birthday for Little Riley !
    Big Hug

  5. Have a wonderful trip to visit your precious granddaughter! Your crocheting is beautiful!

  6. Believe me, we in the USA are shaking our collective heads, too, that such a thing could be happening here!! DH and I can't even watch the News anymore to avoid the rants. Enough said--!!;((((((((((((
    Your crochet is so lovely in those soft colors...I hope you enjoy your trip...
    Hugs, Julierose (trying to stay ever hopeful)

  7. You captured the cold so well! Enjoy your trip to the warmer climes and hanging out with your family. Safe travels.

  8. I agree with Julie - we can't stand to see all that is happening in the USA right now and do not know what is happening to our country. I can't believe so many believing the nonsense that comes out of his mouth - he doesn't know when to shut up and is continually making things up at times I wonder if he even knows what he is saying. How he has so many followers is beyond me and I so am afraid of him winning in November and what will happen then and how many of our rights will slowly be taken away from us.

  9. It does look cold Kim, but Summer here hasn't been that great either. Your granny squares are lovely such pretty colours. Happy first birthday to sweet little Riley, where does the time go! enjoy your time away. x

    1. Thank you so much, lovely Linda. We all had the best time celebrating our sweet Riley's birthday. Like you, I know not where this last year has gone. Sweet Riley will be a teenager in a blink of an eye. =) It's getting a little warmer here now. I'm getting a wee bit excited about that. Kim Xx

  10. Que alegría volver a leerte y celebro que hayas tenido unos días estupendos con amigos, pro lo mejor está por llegar, así que mi deseo es que disfrutes mucho de tu nieta en las vacaciones. BESICOS.

  11. We're not used to seeing pictures of wintry landscapes from you. It is beautiful in it's own way, but, like you, I could live without the cold.
    You are working with such luscious colors in your granny squares.
    Yes, the US is in a bloody mess, as the British would say. But, maybe the scariest part is that half of the country agrees with the tyrant, and believes his lies, and supports his dreadful behavior (including our supposedly non-partisan Supreme Court). Like Julierose, I've had to curtail following much of the news as it is too depressing, provoking both anxiety and annoyance.
    But you are off for a wonderful visit to celebrate Riley's 1st birthday. I know you will be very busy giving cuddles and kisses. Enjoy your time away. We will faithfully await your return and the photos of your glorious spring gardens.

  12. Brr, it's certainly been rather cold over in Tassie. How lovely to have old friends come and stay with you for a wee while, I can just imagine those interesting conversations taking place about we know who. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time visiting Riley and her parents, celebrating that very important 1st birthday.

  13. I have followed your blog for a long time. Your garden and sewing and quilting has always been a joy to see. However, I believe I will have to find beauty elsewhere. Your tirade about the US and those who differ from your liberal views show me why the world is in such a mess. Whenever there is a war, disaster, or need in the world America has always gone to fight and rescue alongside those in need. I am very tired of liberals, some in my own family, who believe their way is the only way. How can you talk about God with such hatred in your heart for those who see things differently than you. I sincerely pray that our grandchildren don’t have to grow up under strict socialism that you seem to find so wonderful. I’m sorry to have to leave your blog and the beauty of Tasmania but the bloom is off the rose. Freedom to believe and live as individuals is the most precious gift we have.

    1. Dear Anonymous........Unfortunately Blogger would not allow me to reply to you here as a reply is a wee bit answer appears as two comments below. I hope you read my 'right of reply'. =)

    2. Oh dear, my facetiousness has got me into trouble again. I know it’s hard to believe that a Jesus loving, “liberal” who just happens to live in a glorious part of God’s sweet earth, surrounded by floral beauty, who sews and creates....and reads all genres of books has written such a “tirade”, as you say. But I must ask…..tirade?? I admit….a criticism of the RNC….even an accusation……but….angry……not at all. I fear my, with-my-tongue-fixed-firmly-in-my-cheek comment has hit a nerve. Just a personal reflection as to what I viewed at the RNC. I do at times wander off the beautiful flower-lined path where beauty abounds and make a political statement. I suppose I shouldn’t but……sometimes….it’s simply unavoidable! Obviously, I’ve offended you, and for that I apologise. You, as may I, adopt whatever political opinion we desire. You disagree with mine. And I disagree with yours.

      You ask how can I talk about God with such hatred in my heart?? I don’t hate you nor any of those who may have a different political stance to me. Exasperating, yes.....but hatred, no. I admit I do shake my head in befuddlement as to what the Christian Nationalists in America bang on about. I just don’t see Jesus in these people at all.

      I wonder, did you watch the RNC?? Did you not find those who feigned their allegiance to former President Trump a little irksome, a little cringeworthy?? MTG, Matt Gaetz, Hulk Hogan, Peter Navarro, Kari Lake, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott…..oh, the list just goes on an didn’t find them a little obsequious…..bizarre?? No?? I guess these people didn’t get the memo from Donald Trump saying that the assassination attempt (which I must say was horrific) to tone down the rhetoric. I thought at first when the former president did speak, perhaps here’s a new man with a new insight, a new revelation, but no, after the first 15 minutes or so, he just went on with the same ol’ same ol’ for an hour! He just regurgitated the same lies yet again. I’m sorry but my thought on the RNC is just the Aussie in me who refuses to kiss the ground upon which my prime minister or another politician walks upon. I listen to my politicians….the media, and then go down the rabbit hole of research to indeed fact check the truth of what has been said. The media's spin, so to speak. I wonder, do you fact check the untruths Trump says?? He has said a lot of porkies over the last ten or so years. You don’t believe me?? Then I suggest you go down the rabbit hole in search of the facts. Now all politicians tell lies from time to time, and I will be the first to admit this fact, but Trump seems to be head and shoulders above the others on that list of prevaricators. (The next answer follows)

    3. Dear Anonymous........ahh.....but there's more. =)
      I find the RNC to have been quite bizarre. You do not?? If not, then I suppose yet again you and I will have to agree to disagree. My reference to the circus of American politics and the Big Top was referencing the audience at the conference. Truly, do you consider these crowd cheering, chanting “fight, fight, fight” Trump placard holding with the ridiculous false bandages over their ears people…….adult?? Really?? Again…this adoring audience resembled clowns which one might see at a circus. Deary, deary me….I admit, probably a clash in cultures, but as an Australian who is prone to see the ridiculousness of situations such as these, totally odd…..strange. Sad, that the once (many would say) dignified and sensible Republican Party has gone ….well….Trumpish. I imagine there are some Republicans who are sad at what their Party has become. But hey……what do I, an Aussie girl know, right?? I’m just that girl who considers it takes all kinds to make up this world and that everyone has a right to be heard and feel respected, especially the minority groups. It seems to me Conservatives seem to spend a lot of time worrying and proselytizing about what they think their God deems to be correct. So black and white. I’m afraid I consider life to have many shades of grey, many perplexing questions. I put up my hand and admit I just don’t know.
      Ahh….the mess the world is in?? Liberals, you say such as I, are the cause of what is wrong with the world. An interesting point of view. Why, Jesus hung out with the poor and needy, the fringes of society, the thieves, the so-called low lifes…the sinners. Of course, He said “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” but in my heart of hearts I believe that He had a bit of a socialist overview. Shock!! Horror….I know!! I rather love that Jesus preferred the company of the ‘fringes of society’ folk, to the sanctimonious leaders of Jewish Society.
      Of course, America has always helped their allies, the world, when needed and this is a wonderful thing. Though I must give you a bit of a history lesson that in World War 2. America entered the war in December1941 when Pearl Harbour was bombed. Australia, on the other hand, entered the second world war in September 1939……..and yes I’m very proud about that. Of course, America sent armaments and supplies to Europe in September 1940 but your president at the time was dithering and didn’t really want to get involved for America’s internal reasons. I might also add in June 1939, the German ocean liner St Louis and its 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, were turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe. About a quarter of these passengers died in the Holocaust. So, not squeaky clean. I find your internal policies in the late 1930’s early 1940’s re the Jewish people to be very interesting and not particularly wholesome.

      Now if Trump wins in November, who knows what he’ll do with Nato……Ukraine?? He’s a bit chummy with autocrats like Putin…..Kim Jong Un….for my liking. But I guess we’ll all soon find out. If he becomes president he will pick up the Project 25 manifesto and run with it (and yes, he knew about this …………he is on video tape extolling the ‘virtues’ of it. Another lie he is now propagating). Have you read any of this. ‘Tis terribly disturbing! Your "Freedom to believe and live as individuals is the most precious gift we have" (this is one thing we agree on)....seems to contradict what is within the pages of Project 25.
      This may come as a surprise to you but here in Australia I am a swinging voter. I don’t align myself for life to one party or the other. But……it’s fair to say if I was an American I would be flying the blue colours way up high.

      Phew. That’s a long answer to your comment. I could write a tome, but I won’t. It’s much too exhausting. Let us, you and I, just agree to disagree. I wish I knew your name. I do find it a bit odd answering to ‘Anonymous’. You know me, but alas, I have no idea as to whom you are. Kim

  14. Brrrrrrrr!! Even in sunny Sydney it’s been cold. The other morning it was 3 degC feels like 0.2 degC. That’s a proper winter. Have a wonderful time celebrating Riley’s birthday - a fabulous milestone. She seems like one tough cookie.

  15. Lovely your friends could come and enjoy the cold months Tassie has to offer - you have had some stunning frosts. Your crochet looks lovely, enjoy your time with your grand child.

  16. Hi Kim
    Such lovely photos. We are enjoying a couple of days sunshine here.
    Hope you have a wonderful time with Riley. Look forward to seeing your spring photos.
    Best wishes Kay Cxx

    1. Lucky you, Kay, for the sunshine you are enjoying. Unfortunately the sun is missing in action here. I think I might just have the best time celebrating Riley's 1st birthday filled with many a squishy, squashy cuddle. Kim Xx

  17. Oh, such lovely colours for a new top. Enjoy your visit!

  18. I agree with Julie - I tend to turn off the news as it is too frustrating that people are so darn gullible. It is a sad state we are living in. Your 'cold' photos are lovely and your crochet is beautiful. Enjoy your visit with your grandbaby. Have a wonderful time with family.

  19. Dear Kim, there are a lot of YIKES and cringeworthy things going on in the Republican party in our country these days. I agree with everything you wrote. You sound so much like Mike and me in our daily conversations. It's very worrisome and stressful. Thank goodness for stitching therapy! Your icy landscape is lovely in its way, and your crocheting, too. Enjoy a lovely getaway celebrating your beautiful grandgirl!

  20. Enjoy your trip. I will miss your posts, but visiting with a grandchild is the most wonderful thing on earth! I am avoiding watching any of the Republican party's nonsense. I used to belong to that party, but left when the orange one was elected. They no longer represent my views. As for the Christian Nationalism, our country was formed by people trying to leave that kind of nonsense. Sheesh! What amazes me is how our American politics is followed around the world. Now, I hope you bring some of your crocheting with you on your trip. Not that you will have time to work on it with a one year old around. Enjoy!!!

  21. Lovely crochet blocks. I have missed you, and will miss you. I guess you don't want to hear about our 104 to 108 degree weather we have had the past couple of weeks! Happy Birthday to dear Riley, and will look forward to your return!

  22. It is so lovely there during the winter time, but Brrr. It does look cold. A great day to cozy up to the fire and crochet the day away. The fiber colors do indeed sing "Spring". Your Granny squares are looking fabulous.

  23. Oh how wonderful to spend some time with your friends during the cold of the winter, it helps the time go by faster. I love the picture of the fog hanging over the valley :) The frost and ice has a beauty all it's own, just don't like to get out in it.
    Enjoy your time with the grandbaby, time sure does fly by quickly!

  24. American politics the last two weeks has been giving me whiplash! Can't make this up! I can't get over the vitriol - I never remember things being like this when I was younger.

    I hope you have a lovely time with Riley and all, and enjoy the warmer weather. Safe travels!

  25. LJ here. I will have a good day, Kim. Oh, my, Riley will be turning one. I totally agree that it is a miracle - what a fantastic miracle she is. Most of my grands are now in their teens or older. Time flies rather than marches on. I'm sure you are taking loads and loads of pictures. One thinks you'll always remember but not so...the pictures are the lifeline to all wonderful things. Can I use your vomit pail? I cannot understand that there are many here in the states who think Trump is the cat's meow. It scares me, too. Biden didn't do the best at the debate and I'm not too unhappy that he's decided to not run. I will not ever vote FOR Trump for anything except for the world's biggest liar. He is a clown. I only hope that his following is not enough to get him voted in. If he loses, he'll just say that the election is stolen as he said about the 2020 election. I know you'll have a wonderful visit with Riley AND her parents. Blessings...

  26. brrrrrrrrr and here I sit with 25 degree C temps and reveling in it. Not that I would rub it in or anything of the sort! And I'm with you in the not being able to ice skate camp. As for American politics, it seems they are becoming the laughing stock of the entire world. Nowhere else could a convicted felon be even considered for the highest office in the land. Now that Biden has stepped aside perhaps there is hope but I won't believe it until the last vote is cast.
    Enjoy your lovely Riley!

  27. Hi Kim! I hope you have a lovely granny visit! I'll miss you! xoPom Pom

  28. I hope you will continue to blog despite the vitriol of comments that responded to you. You inspire us so much with your stitching, crocheting and wonderful writing skills. You are entitled to your opinions as an outsider, it is interesting to hear what the world sees in our politics. And unfortunately it is divisive here. But Happy Birthday to your little one. My grandson was born 10 weeks early due to his mother's kidney issues. He is now 8 and such a sweetie. We feel lucky he is doing well. Enjoy him; they grow oh, so quickly!

  29. Dear Kim, I wanted to check on you :-)
    I'm sure I had written, it seems lost.
    So I'm sending you a warm greeting now. And imagine yourselv walking through the spring with your little girl's hand in yours, a child's laughing mouth and joy in your heart together with your loved ones.
    Wonderful. Wonderful time together.
    All the best, Viola

    1. Lovely Viola, I'm so glad you have visited my little place because I want to apologise as I accidentally deleted your previous comment. I didn't mean got caught up in a few spam comments. =) I've just returned home from wonderful celebrations with my sweet Riley...and precious family. We all had the very best of times. Happiness indeed! Thank you so much for checking on me again. All is well, and as I write this Lady Spring is gently knocking on my bright pink, front door bringing bright and happy daffodils with her. So, so excited! I hope all is wonderful in your little corner of the world. I imagine Autumn is just around the corner there. Thank you, lovely lady, for blessing my day with your beautiful words. Kim Xx
