Sunday, December 24, 2023

Granny Squares For A Granny

Well........hello lovely lovelies♡ A beautiful welcome to you♡ Tis been a while. Gosh, a very, very long while, since I chatted here. So long that the months of dreary winter have blustered and whooshed away, vacating the place so Lady Spring could gently waltz in and touch the landscape with sprinkles of her floralicious beauty. Now spring has sashayed away and summer has set in for a while. immerse myself in all it's warmth and flowery I love thee♡

I must say Lady Spring danced a dreamy and intoxicating waltz. She cast springtime smiles everywhere. Gorgeous yellows, blues, reds and whites, with heady perfumes filling the air. Daffodils, bluebells,, forget-me-nots, irises, wallflowers.........waterfalls of blossoms cascading down to the earth. Just divine. 

But enough talk of the seasons........I have some news. The most wonderful news. I'm a Granny. My sweet, little poppet, the sweetest little girl, whose name is Riley, made a grand entrance into our little world. A most grand and dramatic entrance. Eleven weeks earlier than was expected. It was thought her birth would be early, but not quite this premature. The gamut of emotions were felt those first three months. Riley was so, so tiny. She weighed 1.2 kilos at birth and was hooked up to all manner of tubes while in the humidicrib. So very confronting, but of course, essential. After stays in three different hospitals, time in the NICU ward following the staff of one hospital not adhering to proper protocols resulting in Riley becoming extremely sick; and oft times which seemed a neverending journey for my daughter and son-in-law, (and I might add, Riley's Pop and Granny) our sweet Riley is now home with her mummy and daddy.  Riley was named after my mum's maiden name. My mum and my daughter were very close; thick as thieves, actually.  From day one my daughter and mum hit it off famously. Funnily enough, Riley has strawberry blonde/ginger hair, just like my darling mum. So precious. The name Riley means courageous. Fitting really, as the first months of her life Riley has needed a good dose of courage. And........after all the drama and worries these last months, and with little milestones celebrated, sweet Riley who is now nearly five months old thus far, is doing well. Riley, is our tiny, little miracle♡

Besides making several trips from Tasmania up to Queensland to meet and spend precious time with sweet Riley and indulge in oodles of squishy, squashy cuddles I have been slowly working away on some pretties in I knitted a few woolly pretties for sweet Riley. Of course they are a little big for her but she will grow into them. I've been crocheting as well. Now that I'm a Granny I thought I might teach myself how to crochet a granny square. Granny squares for a Granny. =) I've always wanted to crochet but for some reason or another I've never been able to grasp the fundamentals.

I found a wonderful YouTube channel, Hooked By Robin and learnt how to crochet a granny square. It took a week though, to 'get' it! Gosh, I wondered if I would ever master crocheting a granny square but after some determination it all came together. All the tangled, messy, woolly crochet somehow weaved together and even if I do say so myself quite a few acceptable granny squares eventuated.

From the granny squares I fashioned a cardie for me. The front and back in granny squares, and the sleeves in rows of different coloured double crochet. I must say I am amazed that my crochet pretty turned out.....and I must say, I love it. I love how the all the colours dance together. It seems making-it-up-as-I-go, worked again. Although I'm a knitter and have been knitting since a wee girl, I must say I love this crocheting caper. I cannot wait to try out new granny squares......I rather love the variety of flowers that can be crocheted within the confines of a granny square. I'm already dreaming up a crochet jumper for me, and, of course, all the wee pretties I can fashion for sweet, sweet Riley.

Pete and I, a few weeks ago, returned from a trip to San Francisco where we stayed with our other daughter and son-in-law. A most delightful holiday where I grabbed each precious moment with both hands as one never really knows when one will hug loved ones in far away countries, again. So much fun was had but perhaps photos of San Fransisco for another time.

I will say though, while in San Fran the lovely Karrin drove hours and hours to meet me and enjoy some lunch. A delightful couple of hours were enjoyed catching up and nattering about all things life. Meeting Karrin just reaffirmed what I've always known that she and me are kindred spirits. Loved, loved, loved spending those few hours with Karrin. Of course, we could've chatted for many more hours, but Karrin had a very long drive ........four hours!! It was such a delight to meet Karrin; she truly is a treasure♡ Karrin gifted me a most exquisite little wall hanging. A Judith Baker Montana-esque pretty♡ All the details....they are amazing! Karrin's exquisite pretty hangs pride of place in my sewing room where I continually gaze upon it and think upon dear Karrin and the sweet friendship that has developed between us over these last few years. Never in a million years did I think I would meet in person a fellow blogger from the other end of the world, but there you go; life always throws in the most delightful of surprises.

Oh my, 'tis Christmas here tomorrow. Christmas always stealthily sneaks up on one, doesn't it?? This Granny (and Pop) are celebrating Riley's first Christmas with her and my daughter and SIL, so I will be absent from blogland again, for a little while. Thank you, for visiting my little corner of the world throughout this year♡ Thank you for the gift of your visits; your uplifting words♡ Oh dear, I've been a very bad Sunday Slow Stitcher these last months. =) Let us hope I will do better in 2024! There is an abundance of kindness and generosity of spirit which swirls around and around in blogland♡ It was an 'interesting' year for my family, filled with many ups and downs but I must say my heart overflows with thankfulness and gratitude for the gift of sweet, sweet Riley, who fills my/our days with overflowing joy♡

From my little place to yours may your Christmastime be a blessed one filled with many moments where thankfulness, kindness and love permeate your celebrations. For those of you who will find Christmas sad and difficult, whose hearts are broken, may you find a glimmer of hope in the grace and peace that is the Christmas story. As for me, I am ever thankful for the love and grace of Jesus; in the good times, the bad times, those impossibly difficult times. This Granny is so very thankful; and continually amazed at God's love and grace for her♡

God bless, dear lovely lovelies♡

Until next year..........


  1. Lovely post from a proud grandma Kim!
    Riley is going to be spoiled by her family ! She deserved it, she's a fighter !
    Wish you, and your family, a Merry Christmas and a year 2024 full of peace, health and joy !

  2. Congratulations on the birth of baby Riley I'm so happy for you all, it must have been such a worry in the beginning but I'm pleased she is doing well now. Welcome to the world of crochet! I'm so impressed that one of the first things you made was a cardigan for yourself it has turned out so well. How lovely that Karrin drove so far to meet you, I bet you had such a lovely time together.
    I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas. xx

  3. I'm so happy to hear that Riley is doing well after her bumpy start. She is one well dressed baby with all of those lovely knitted outfits made with love by her Granny! It seems you have developed a new obsession with those Granny Squares! Very appropriate for a new Granny to have a Granny Square sweater! your flowers and gardens are gorgeous again this year. We are set to have a green Christmas this year--it rained all day yesterday. Our daughter and her dog, Finn, arrived last night so the festivities can truly begin now. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Enjoy your visit with Riley and her parents. Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  4. It is so good to hear from you again! Little Riley must be a fighter to have gone through everything she's been through and only 5 months old! The little outfits you've knitted for her are so cute! I really like your sweater. Thank you so much for the flower show, have a blessed Christmas with your family!

  5. Welcome to tiny Riley. How exciting to be a Granny. Merry Christmas to you and your family,

  6. Merry Christmas! Congratulations on your new addition! I am so glad that she is okay! My two DILs are expecting next year. That will give us five grands! Such a delight. Good for you to learn to crochet!

  7. Merriest of Christmases, Kim, to you and those you hold dear;)))
    Hugs x2 Julierose

  8. I feel as though I received a wonderful Christmas gift when I saw a post from you this morning. I sat down straightaway, with coffee in my Christmas mug in hand, to savour your words and your photographs. Seeing your beautiful floral photos came in stark contrast to the dull grey foggy landscape outside my window. The little bit of snow on the ground is not likely to last until tomorrow so it seems we won't have a white Christmas again this year.
    First of all, very big congratulations on the arrival of your precious Riley. She's a little fighter and, despite her rocky start, she will be the love of your heart. I know from whence I speak because there's no love quite like that of a grandparent for a grandchild.
    Secondly, I'm so glad you had a wonderful visit with your family in San Fran, punctuated by a lovely time with a blogging friend. Her gift to you IS a treasure that is filled with so many amazing details.
    And, I'm so happy to see you assimilated into my world of crochet. Not everyone would be willing to undertake making a sweater right away!
    Finally, I wish you and your dear Pete as well as the rest of your family, a very happy Christmas. Please give wee Riley a kiss and cuddle from me!

  9. Welcome to the world, little Riley! So glad she is doing well after all that initial trouble. Looks like you will stay busy making things for her and going to visit, too. Merry Christmas, Kim!

  10. Sarah I had wondered what had happened to you disappearing out of blogland and so glad to see you back if it is sporadic. What a tiny grandchild you have but so happy to know she will be ok. I think from what you say she is now out of the hospital after a very long extended stay? I do hope so she sure was a tiny thing entering the world way too early. I hope all will be well with this precious child and her parents. Merry Christmas

  11. So happy to see a post from you after so long. Congrats on becoming a Granny. I am so happy for you. I am sure little Riley will give you years and years of joy! Merry Christmas!

  12. Welcome courageous Riley!!! I'm so happy for you, Kim!!! And wonder--full you could visit your daughter and SIL in the US! If I were anywhere near there, I would want to meet you, too!!! What lovely precious things you made with yarn!!! Merry Christmas to you, Kim and Pete!!!

  13. Congratulations on your new grandbaby, so sorry she had such a rough start but so good to hear she fought through it and is doing so much better. Sounds like you have been very busy with traveling, yes we are only a 9 hour drive from family but we don't take for granted any time we have with them.
    You have done a beuatiful job with your knit goodies and it looks like you are picking up wonderfully with your crochet now too, lovely job on your sweater!
    Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

  14. How wonderful to read another delightful post from you Kim, after your time away. Many congratulations to you both for becoming grandparents, and I'm so pleased that your precious little Riley has grown strong after her extra early arrival. Love all those lovely little garments you have knitted, and good on you for mastering crochet, something I am yet to learn. Very best Christmas wishes to you both

  15. Congratulations on the new addition to the family! Your Granny Squares turned out beautifully, so full of color. Have a very Happy Holiday!

  16. Merry Christmas! I am so glad Riley is doing well - may she continue to thrive. I hope you continue to get lots of cuddles!

  17. What a lovely surprise to find you here on Boxing Day morning! Many congratulations Granny! What a tough time but so pleased that all is well with Riley now and hope that you had a wonderful 1st Christmas together.
    I love the crochet cardigan - very 'on trend' as they say. The wall hanging is beautiful, what a great gift. xx

  18. ¡¡quĂ© alegrĂ­a volver a tener noticias tuyas!! felicidades abuela por Ă©se regalo tan dulce, comparto contigo la felicidad infinita de ser abuela ya que el 26 de Noviembre naciĂł mi segundo nieto -Daniel-
    También es una alegría volver a ver tus flores y leerte, además te felicito por ésos bonitos grannys que has tejido, cierto es que hacen volar la imaginación.
    Disfruta mucho de tu familia y muchos BESICOS desde ESPAĂ‘A.

  19. Great news! Congratulations! God bless Riley! Happy New Year my dear friend!

    1. Thank you so much, dear Maristella. Happy New Year to you, too, lovely Maristella.

  20. What delightful colours in the crochet blanket Kim! It was a lovely way to welcome Riley into the world! And the flowers in the garden- so beautiful! Happy New Year to you and yours. Suz

  21. What a lovely post Kim, you came back, and I missed it last week with my company. Your granny square sweater is lovely, as are Riley's lovely outfits. Glad to have you back, and love seeing all your beautiful flowers when my yard is looking a little desolate.

  22. Oh I'm so happy for you! A new little one in the family is a great chance and a huge happiness, and I'm so glad that Riley is safe. She is so surrounded by love that it couldn't be any other way ;) Lovely crochet outfits, yours, and the ones for Riley!
    How fun to meet your blogging friend in person! I love her crazy wall hanging, very pretty. Happy New Year dear Kim!

  23. Dear Kim, I can hardly describe how happy I am to hear from you and especially to hear such good news. Hurray... congratulations on your lovely little grandchild... you know it will be wonderful when you sew the little sweet floral dresses next year...
    I'm so happy for you...
    all the best wishes to all of you for 2024.
    A big, loving hug for you from Viola

    1. Thank you so much, lovely Viola. Yes, lots of pretty floral dresses and sweet rompers with frills on the bottom for later this year. Creating pretties for little girls is certainly my thing. Hoping you and your loved ones have a beautiful new year.

  24. Hello Kim. I'm finally catching up on blog reading. Congratulations on becoming a granny. How exciting for you all. xx
