Sunday, June 18, 2023

Another Sunday♡ Just Hexi-ing Along♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ 'Tis Sunday evening here and I have been enjoying hand stitching my Flower Meadow quilt throughout the day. I have had a lovely day just hexi-ing along. 'Twas so very pleasant.

Early in the morning with the sunshine streaming through the windows I ventured into my unbelievably messy, sewing room to sort through a muddly mess of fabrics. I needed to find three fabrics for three hexies in order to finish a row on my Flower Meadow quilt. My sewing room was (and still is) in a dreadful state of disarray. So, so messy that if one didn't know any better one could believe that a fabric bomb had been detonated. Oh my goodness, fabric, fabric...everywhere. As I entered the room I heard Pete say that if I didn't make an appearance in a couple of hours; if I was buried under mounds of fabric, he would come and rescue me. And he did. =)

Unfortunately, fabrics galore are needed for a project such as my Flower Meadow quilt, and all the fabrics need to be floral. The fussy cutting of most of the fabrics is required for the flower hexies to give the illusion of a flowers blooming everywhere in a meadow. Hence the need for many, many fabrics; and fabric mayhem. 

So, sitting in the sunshine with my quilt pinned to the curtains (alas, no design wall) I auditioned fabrics to find the perfect ones for three hexies. Goodness me, it took a while. And....of course the fabrics I wanted were hidden at the bottom of the pile. Now that the quilt top is nearly finished, it is getting a little more time consuming in finding the perfect fabric in a colour that dances in harmony with the rest of the flowers. The flowers in this quilt are gathered here and there in drifts of hues, so although the growing of the flower meadow in the beginning was reasonably quick, now it is not. A little more thought and dithering is required.

But I found three fabrics, made three little hexie flowers and then stitched these to the quilt, to finish the row. I think there are only two more rows of hexie flowers to make until the quilt top is finished. Yay oh Yay!! 

I fashioned hexie flowers and stitched them to the quilt every day this week. Thirty five hexie flowers.....but hey, who's counting. =) I made quite a lot of progress from last Sunday. So much of my days was involved being buried by mounds of fabric, forming little gems of hexies into flowers and then stitching them onto the quilt. This week, perhaps I should try to tidy up my sewing room. With only two (I think) rows of hexie flowers to be fashioned, the re-organising of my sewing room should be achievable. Famous last words!! Hope you all enjoy a beautiful Sunday when it dawns at your little place. Thank you, lovely lovelies, for gifting my day with your sweet visit♡

Until the next time..........

Linking this week to Kathy's, Slow Sunday Stitching and Frédérique's, Quilting, Patchwork & Applique

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Colour My Wintry World With Flowers♡

Hello lovely lovelies♡ A lovely Sunday welcome to you♡ It has been a dreary, wintry kinda week here. But I don't care as there have been splashes of sunshine in the form of pretty winter flowers, new Tilda fabrics and a few more hexie flowers flourishing on my Flower Meadow quilt.

'Tis amazing how flowers put a sparkle into my day, especially a cold winter's day. My garden is bereft of flowers, but my beautiful friend, Trish, has gorgeous proteas blossoming in her garden at the moment, so when she asked me if I wanted a bunch or two, I of course said a resounding YES! These flowers would put a smile in any ho-hum kinda day.

The two proteas are Special Pink Ice (Special neriifolio x Susanna) and Protea repens - Sugar Bush. Although many consider proteas native to Australia, they actually hale from South Africa, but share many of the growing requirements of our Australian natives, so they thrive really well here and are very popular. Both flowers are stunning and will look fabulous in a vase for a very long time.....and the flowers are huge. Just gorgeous!

I purchased some new Tilda fabrics this week. Have you seen the new Tilda collection?? There are three collections, called Bloomsville, Garden Vista and a blender collection....Abloom. Apparently the Bloomsville and Garden Vista designs are inspired by old chinoiseries and a sweet motif found on a vase from a factory  that closed in the 1960's. The fabrics are blooming in colours of  Fern, Sky, Blue, Iris, Cornflower, Corn, Turquoise, Dijon, Prussian, Pine, Lagoon......all dancing in bright, summery hues. I particularly love the blender fabrics called 'Abloom'. They are quite simply gorgeous. Tone Finnanger has done it again. Goodness, she is a clever designer. I am slowly replenishing my floral fabrics as I have gone through quite a lot this past year, so these gorgeous fabrics will be a welcome addition to my stash. 

With the baby quilt now finished, and as I dream up some more pretties for my wee poppet I picked up my  Flower Meadow quilt again. This week I have been preparing more flower hexies and stitching these pretties to the quilt. I have been evening-up the sides with the green fabric as I go. As it is Sunday, I have enjoyed a lovely afternoon slow hand stitching my Flower Meadow in The Fernery, for, surprisingly enough, after a woeful morning Old Man Sun decided to cast little bursts of happy sunbeams over my little place.  All these flower hexies are a vision of summery loveliness sustaining me through these dismal winter months. 

Of late, when Sunday rolls around I  think "what can I write about"?? How can I sprinkle a little beauty into the 'world'?? But a few flowers, a few new fabrics and a little hand stitching of a pretty quilt and there you go, a new post in which to wax lyrical about colouring my wintry world with flowers. Why should all you lovelies who are deeply immersed in the joy of spring/summer have all the fun. =)  The world is a much better place with a few flowers, a few new pretty fabrics; and definitely a little hand stitching of a pretty quilt; don't you think?? Thank you once again for visiting my little place where, this week, I have been colouring my little place with the beauty of flowers. Flowers gifted by a beautiful friend♡ Flowers flourishing on gorgeous fabrics; and flowers blooming on my Flower Meadow quilt♡ Have a lovely day, lovely lovelies♡ May your day be coloured with splashes of beauty♡

Until the next time........

Sunday, June 4, 2023

A Sweet Poppet's Quilt .......A Quilty Finish♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ A beautiful welcome to my little wintry place♡ The month of June. Which of course means in this little part of the world.......winter!! But let's not talk about my least favourite season, let us talk about happy things. Let us talk about a quilt finish. Yep, the wee poppet's quilt is finished♡ Let us talk of sweet quilts, teddy bears, flowery lights, and sunshine; for today was the perfect sunny day for a wee photo shoot. =)

This wee poppet's quilt is one covered in Australian flora and fauna. Jocelyn Proust fabrics where there is a menagerie of sweet animals playing among Australian native flowers. Cuddly koalas, bashful bandicoots, swimming platypuses, hopping kangaroos with sweet joeys peeking out from pouches, running wombats and adorable echidnas who slowly waddle along; all playing hide and seek among the gum trees and pretty native flowers. Flowers such as lilly pillys, wattles, bottle brushes, Tasmanian blue gum flowers, waratahs. As for the birds perched high up in the eucalyptus trees; there are magpies, willy wagtails, cockatoos and kookaburras, all singing a merry song. I suppose this quilt is an I-spy-with-my-little-eye quilt, where my daughter and her wee poppet will enjoy many a delightful time looking at each-filled hexie, imagining stories of adventures in the Australian bush. The backing and border is a Jocelyn Proust fabric flourishing with stylised 'Corymbia Ficifolio' an Australian flowering gum tree.

I fashioned this quilt using the English Paper Piecing method with papers I have from the Sweet Sunday quilt which I made several years ago. I hand quilted this sweet quilt with the stitches marching in straight lines diagonally up and down the centre panel. For the border the quilting stitches do-si-do in a merry fashion around the flowers and gum leaves. The batting is 100% cotton, nice and light.....and snuggly.

As I sat in a cosy corner this morning with happy sunbeams warming my soul.....and my tippy toes, I stitched the binding. As I happily stitched away my thoughts could not help but think upon our wee little poppet who will make an appearance in a few months. To put it mildly we are all beyond ourselves with great joy. 'Tis so very exciting. The first quilt for our wee little poppet. The first of many, many more, I suspect. Have a lovely day, lovely lovelies♡ Thank you for delighting my day with your sweet visit♡

Until the next time............

Linking this week to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Frédérique's, Quilting, Patchwork & Applique, and Cynthia's, Oh Scrap.