Hallelujah! Hallelujah! HAL-LE-LU-JAH!!!

Can you hear them?? Can you hear the ensemble of angelic beings singing and playing the Hallelujah Chorus?? Violins, harps, trumpets.......the whole mellifluous orchestra strumming those strings, trumpeting those brass instruments, whistling those woodwinds, clanging those percussion instruments..........the whole kit and kaboodle......all joining in a triumphant symphony to herald the completion of my Cathedral Window quilt!! You see these angelic beings have been waiting in the wings for a very, very long time.....it seems almost an eternity!! Oh, and those tintinnabula are ringing in unison. Yes indeedy, those church bells are 'ding-donging' joyously celebrating the completion of my Cathedral Window quilt! Oh my goodness, there is a terrible din down here at the bottom of the world.
If my memory serves me correctly, it was in March 2014 when I first began to stitch this quilt. I wrote about this pretty here. Oh my giddy aunt, three years ago!! How time flies when you are having fun.....NOT!! Let's just say that my Cathedral Window hasn't been my most favourite quilt that I have ever stitched. Though I like the overall look of the quilt, it is filled with too many imperfections for my persnickety sensibilities. When looked upon as a whole I am happy-ish with my Cathedral Window...BUT....when my beady li'l eyes look at a lot of the corners I am not so happy. It is finished and for that I am ecstatic; indeed I am elated to have stitched the last stitch!! I suppose this quilt will be filed under the heading of 'Satisfactionism' and not 'Perfectionism'!!
Now how to photograph this quilt?? With the absence of cathedrals of the ilk of Notre Dame in Tassie, me and my good husband set off one morning for a little basilica-ish building search. There is a church which I have always loved in Launceston. When we first arrived in Tassie it was for sale. Wish oh wish my purse was deep enough to purchase this amazing property....but my little purse did not, nor never has contained enough pennies for my name and signature to be on the Deed of Property. I know, terribly, terribly sad as I can sooooooo see me in this building! It isn't used as a church anymore but a design company, Walker Designs, now owns this building from which it operates its business. I love the cracking and peeling paint, the rusty iron balustrades and gates, the array of gorgeous windows, the densely matted tufts of lichen and moss which are seen here and there on the facade. I love the shabby and ruinous feel of this glorious building. Love, love, love this building; 'tis the perfect backdrop for my little Cathedral Window quilt.
I fear the 'windows' in my Cathedral Window quilt are a little pale as the photographs were taken in the middle of the day when the sun was aglow with brilliance. We did set off on our photo shoot early in the morning when the clouds blanketed the sky, but the billowing mass of white, vaporous matter decided to disappear to let Old Man Sun shine upon us. Of course Old Man Sun's beaming smile is always a welcomed event in Tassie......just not on photo shoot days. =D
I did suggest to my good husband if he could perhaps scale the walls Quasimodo-like, with my Cathedral Window quilt draped around his shoulders, to one of those lead light windows on high. Just imagine how very cool my Cathedral Window quilt would look dangling from one of those lead light windows. Alas, he said no!! Unbelievable!! Is his refusal grounds for divorce???? I mean really, I contorted my venerable body into the most interesting of positions, even to the point of almost lying prostrate on the pavement for that one, perfect shot. And....I might add providing much comic relief to many a passerby. Was it unreasonable to ask him to clamber up this towering building and swing from parapet to parapet???? I can only suppose his and my sense of the dramatic and theatre of a photo shoot are not on the same page! Oh, how I would love to climb the interior staircases of this building and explore all those quirky little nooks. Just imagine the architectural treasures that would abound!!
Just across from the church is a beautiful park filled with the most amazing, ancient trees with bent and gnarly, verdant branches enveloping everyone and everything; and, there just happens to be the most delightful of fountains as well....how serendipitous. Once again, the perfect backdrop for my little Cathedral Window quilt.
Another church, another backdrop; admittedly it somewhat lacks the gorgeousness of my favourite church building; nevertheless it is a fine structure.....and it just happens to be white. As you know I LURVE white. Oh, and there just happened to be a divine little cafe nearby, so all was not lost. At least that is what my good husband thought as he is always ready for cake and coffee.
When we set off early in the morning, I really, really wanted a glorious stained glass window for my photo shoot. As none of these churches were open, my good husband and I decided to call into our little family church on the way home and take a happy snap or two of the Cathedral Window, hanging pride of place in front of a little stained glass window. Small I know, but beautiful nonetheless. I have often asked the powers that be if perhaps I could take this window home with me, but they weren't terribly enthused with my suggestion. I don't know why not; surely they could insert another window.
I started stitching this quilt with the intention of making it big enough to drape over a queen size bed with the sides nearly touching the floor.....but....as you can see I have made it as a bed topper with just a hint of it down the sides. This quilt is very heavy and I found it punishing to add each finished strip of the windows to the quilt as I went along. For the sake of my shoulders, back and sanity, I decided a bed topper would be wonderful, thank you very much.
This is not the first time I have uttered these words......."with my hand on my heart, I am never, never going to stitch a Cathedral Window quilt, ever, ever again"! This quilt is filled with too many imperfections and was fraught with botheration the whole way through. I will just have to consider the stitching of this quilt as a giant learning curve. I think upon reflection, I would fashion this quilt with no batting and a little trick I read somewhere (after I had finished the stitching) to sew down the offending corners so they do not move. Perhaps then, and only perhaps after a good many visits to a therapist and sinking into a red leather couch, revealing my dark and hidden secrets about all those stitching inadequacies of mine, would I ever begin to consider stitching another. BUT.....just between you and me it would be safe to say I have attempted one Cathedral Window quilt and that is one too many!! =D
I am so very, very happy to tick this pretty off that list which I don't keep. My next quilt is going to be a FUN one. Again, one filled with oodles of scrappy delight. One that doesn't exert the pea brain, strain the shoulders and one that is a joy to stitch. I am delirious with great joy that in the coming weeks I can now stitch some fun pretties.
So there you have it, my Cathedral Window quilt is finished. HALLELUJAH!! Let me leave you with a basket of beautiful dahlias. The dahlias will soon be but a beautiful memory. Jack Frost has reared his ugly and frigid head yet again and has taken out his displeasure on the dahlias, sprinkling icy shards everywhere! Yes indeedy, Autumn is in full swing and the grim and bleak arrival of Old Man Winter is not too far away.
Until the next time.......wishing you the loveliest of days.
If my memory serves me correctly, it was in March 2014 when I first began to stitch this quilt. I wrote about this pretty here. Oh my giddy aunt, three years ago!! How time flies when you are having fun.....NOT!! Let's just say that my Cathedral Window hasn't been my most favourite quilt that I have ever stitched. Though I like the overall look of the quilt, it is filled with too many imperfections for my persnickety sensibilities. When looked upon as a whole I am happy-ish with my Cathedral Window...BUT....when my beady li'l eyes look at a lot of the corners I am not so happy. It is finished and for that I am ecstatic; indeed I am elated to have stitched the last stitch!! I suppose this quilt will be filed under the heading of 'Satisfactionism' and not 'Perfectionism'!!
Now how to photograph this quilt?? With the absence of cathedrals of the ilk of Notre Dame in Tassie, me and my good husband set off one morning for a little basilica-ish building search. There is a church which I have always loved in Launceston. When we first arrived in Tassie it was for sale. Wish oh wish my purse was deep enough to purchase this amazing property....but my little purse did not, nor never has contained enough pennies for my name and signature to be on the Deed of Property. I know, terribly, terribly sad as I can sooooooo see me in this building! It isn't used as a church anymore but a design company, Walker Designs, now owns this building from which it operates its business. I love the cracking and peeling paint, the rusty iron balustrades and gates, the array of gorgeous windows, the densely matted tufts of lichen and moss which are seen here and there on the facade. I love the shabby and ruinous feel of this glorious building. Love, love, love this building; 'tis the perfect backdrop for my little Cathedral Window quilt.
I did suggest to my good husband if he could perhaps scale the walls Quasimodo-like, with my Cathedral Window quilt draped around his shoulders, to one of those lead light windows on high. Just imagine how very cool my Cathedral Window quilt would look dangling from one of those lead light windows. Alas, he said no!! Unbelievable!! Is his refusal grounds for divorce???? I mean really, I contorted my venerable body into the most interesting of positions, even to the point of almost lying prostrate on the pavement for that one, perfect shot. And....I might add providing much comic relief to many a passerby. Was it unreasonable to ask him to clamber up this towering building and swing from parapet to parapet???? I can only suppose his and my sense of the dramatic and theatre of a photo shoot are not on the same page! Oh, how I would love to climb the interior staircases of this building and explore all those quirky little nooks. Just imagine the architectural treasures that would abound!!
When we set off early in the morning, I really, really wanted a glorious stained glass window for my photo shoot. As none of these churches were open, my good husband and I decided to call into our little family church on the way home and take a happy snap or two of the Cathedral Window, hanging pride of place in front of a little stained glass window. Small I know, but beautiful nonetheless. I have often asked the powers that be if perhaps I could take this window home with me, but they weren't terribly enthused with my suggestion. I don't know why not; surely they could insert another window.
I started stitching this quilt with the intention of making it big enough to drape over a queen size bed with the sides nearly touching the floor.....but....as you can see I have made it as a bed topper with just a hint of it down the sides. This quilt is very heavy and I found it punishing to add each finished strip of the windows to the quilt as I went along. For the sake of my shoulders, back and sanity, I decided a bed topper would be wonderful, thank you very much.
This is not the first time I have uttered these words......."with my hand on my heart, I am never, never going to stitch a Cathedral Window quilt, ever, ever again"! This quilt is filled with too many imperfections and was fraught with botheration the whole way through. I will just have to consider the stitching of this quilt as a giant learning curve. I think upon reflection, I would fashion this quilt with no batting and a little trick I read somewhere (after I had finished the stitching) to sew down the offending corners so they do not move. Perhaps then, and only perhaps after a good many visits to a therapist and sinking into a red leather couch, revealing my dark and hidden secrets about all those stitching inadequacies of mine, would I ever begin to consider stitching another. BUT.....just between you and me it would be safe to say I have attempted one Cathedral Window quilt and that is one too many!! =D
I am so very, very happy to tick this pretty off that list which I don't keep. My next quilt is going to be a FUN one. Again, one filled with oodles of scrappy delight. One that doesn't exert the pea brain, strain the shoulders and one that is a joy to stitch. I am delirious with great joy that in the coming weeks I can now stitch some fun pretties.
So there you have it, my Cathedral Window quilt is finished. HALLELUJAH!! Let me leave you with a basket of beautiful dahlias. The dahlias will soon be but a beautiful memory. Jack Frost has reared his ugly and frigid head yet again and has taken out his displeasure on the dahlias, sprinkling icy shards everywhere! Yes indeedy, Autumn is in full swing and the grim and bleak arrival of Old Man Winter is not too far away.
Until the next time.......wishing you the loveliest of days.
Well I absolutely adore your newly finished quilt and what an amazing background for it's photo shoot. Any imperfections are not at all visible, just beautiful colours, a stunning quilt xx
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cheryl, for your lovely comments. It was a fun photo shoot, filled with many hilarious moments. Kim Xx
DeleteI am delighted with your blog!Just gorgeous!It inspires me a lot !!!Have a lovely weekend!Maristella.
ReplyDeleteOh, I LOVE this post. And the quilt! And I certainly know what I'll be humming for the rest of the day.
Your quilt is gorgeous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the photos, beautiful !!!!
Have a lovely weekend !
ps I've finished a book from Tracy Chevalier "the last runaway" and she talks a lot about quilts...
Kim, I can hear the angels singing from here! The quilt is just gorgeous and I can see why you may not want to begin a project like this again. So intricate. I think a bed topper is just the perfect solution. There are so many colors and pattern here that it would coordinate with many different spreads. Imagine your hubby not want to scale the walls of the cathedral! I guess we can't expect everything! Have a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteYour Cathedral Window Quilt is amazingly beautiful, certainly hallelujah!!!
ReplyDeleteYour choice for background is well chosen.
Haha, your husband has his own opinion, a divorce?? No,no, you kidding me.
You have written a beautiful story and made fantastic photos.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Yes...{{giggle, giggle}} I am just kidding you re the divorce, Loes. Truly, my good husband is one in a million and terribly long suffering. I fear any other man would have said goodbye and walked out the door many a moon ago. But, in saying that life with me could never be considered boring. =D Thank you for visiting and leaving such sweet comments. You know, Loes, I could really have done with one of your deliciously, delectable cakes at the finish of my Cathedral Window...then I could really have celebrated in style. Kim Xx
Delete{{{giggling}}}---thank you for the smiles, Kim...Have a beautiful Sunday my friend.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah indeed!! You deserve some sort of medal for stick-to-it-iveness if nothing else. I love Cathedral Window quilts but just the thought of making one gives me the heebie-jeebies. You should be proud of this one, warts (that only you see) and all!!!!
ReplyDeleteA Cathedral Window quilt was always going to be a challenge and we are often our own worst critics. Of course if you make quilts to be judged, then you must accept criticism. If you make them for pleasure or for the challenge, then perhaps it's best to accept the end result and enjoy the end result. You have created a beautiful quilt, which all of who stop here would gladly accept if gifted. Your images of the old church, park and family church are simply lovely.
ReplyDeleteYes, we are our own worst critics aren't we. I have never experienced so many difficulties nor used the seam ripper quite as much as on this quilt and I have stitched some tricky quilts in my lifetime. I will take your advice on board, Ann and accept those glaring foibles, and enjoy all those little panes of pretty pattern and colour. Kim Xx
DeleteCONGRATULATIONS!!! I enjoy your witty commentary as much as the pictures of your beautiful, gorgeous quilt. What a great idea to go do a photo shoot at that fabulous church. Is that your quilt, by chance, on the background of your blog?!
ReplyDeleteWell hallelujah indeed dear Kim, your Cathedral Window quilt is just gorgeous & beautiful & splendid. I do love all your photos of it out & about in various different churches but I have to say, my favourite photos are the ones of it on your gorgeous bed. Right where it belongs I think. xxx
ReplyDeleteI know that you repeatedly told us this is not your favourite quilt, but you must agree - now that it is finished it is gorgeous! It fits perfectly into your bedroom and I am sure you'll cherish it for a long time!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing quilt, my dear, and an amazing photo shoot to show off all of your hard work, too! It truly is a work of art and very worthy of being photographed in such glorious settings. I think you should be very proud of your masterpiece. I can't even imagine the endless hours of work, but now I am sure your dreams will be especially sweet while you are cozy and warm, enveloped in the beautiful colors of the lovely design. xx Karen
ReplyDeleteYou are very kind, Karen, thank you. Kim Xx
DeleteDefinitely hallelujahs are in order Kim! A fabulous quilt and what fabulous backdrops for your photo shoot...absolutely wonderful! ( I saw a cot quilt in a museum in Alice Spings...and the pattern was cathedral window too!)
ReplyDeleteHaving been there and done that, I know how much work it takes. Mine used much smaller pieces and turned out to be quite heavy. Your pictures are to be treasured as well.
ReplyDeleteHi Kim, You are so talented and your quilt is so pretty. I love the colors and the creative way you have photographed it. Congrats on finishing it!
ReplyDeleteYour quilt is a masterpiece, Kim!!! The colors are goregous and it looks perfect as a bed topper. I would love to make one of these some day but I'm afraid it would end up as a small table runner. (But I'd be darn proud of it.) Happy Fall!
ReplyDeleteOh Kim, this was such a delightful post! I found myself chuckling over your ending and could picture you standing beside that gorgeous bed letting out a huge sigh...
ReplyDeleteThat room is positively gorgeous with all the delightful fun you have put together in making it what it is.
I hope that you will find such gratification over the beauty and work of your hands every time you take a peek in that bedroom, then walk away with the sweetest smile upon your face.
And yes, I could hear the HALLELUJAH'S!
Have a beautiful and blessed day~~
Breathtaking....my favorite photos are the ones with the stained glass window because it makes a lovely vignette. I would love one of these but have so many unfinished quilt tops I need to finish. I'm not a huge fan of mock cathedral window patterns but I know why they do it-less time consuming. Congratulations on ticking the completed box.
ReplyDeleteWonderful finish, and what a great photo shoot location! Congratulations on a job well done!
ReplyDeleteYou did amazing work on this difficult quilt! It looks stunning and you got some beautiful photos of it with all the churches and on the bed as well. Beautiful!! I think the photo that never was would have been worth the effort, but safety must come first ;) Glad you can now sit down to some lighter quilting entertainment. Enjoy!
Oh my goodness, Halleluiah is right, Kim! I'm clapping my hands over here for you...can you here me??!! You certainly deserve a huge round of applause in finishing your cathedral quilt. It is stunning and photographing it at the churches, fountain, in front of your most admired stained glass window, and at the happy place on your bed, was most enjoyable for me to see. Bravo for a job well done! xxoo
ReplyDeleteKim, so lovely! Your Cathedral quilt is a masterpiece! I can imagine that you must be tired as the work is so intricate and delicate. The photographs are gorgeous. I especially love the ones with the stain glass windows. ♥
ReplyDeleteih dear the way you showed you desparation for the church building i wanted to hand over it to you at any cost.
ReplyDeleteit's okay that your purse is not much deep but you have a PRECIOUS and an PRICELESS ARTISTIC HEART !!!
you quilt is remarkably outstanding i don't know why you are not satisfied it is absolutely beautiful as i can see it !
best wishes for you next FUN PROJECT!
Absolutely and resolutely a stunning finish, Kim!
ReplyDeleteWonderful photos too!
Another beautiful quilt to be treasured forever, it´s just perfect Kim, so pretty and ideal as a topper. wonderful work.
ReplyDeleteWow! How brilliant! It's gorgeous! I love each and every photo! It looks glorious on your bed (love that Mod Podge wall!)
ReplyDeleteWay to go! Well worth it! YOU are a wonder!
awwwwww, it is gorgeous, really very special!! it will be treasured by you and those who come after you, for years to come!!
ReplyDeletea work of art kim, stitched together with care and much love!!!
Congratulations! This really is the most wonderful of quilts. And whatever you say about the stitching I see it is just perfect :) I can't imagine a lovelier combination of fabrics or a more beautiful block (if you can call them blocks?). This is my very favourite quilt I can ever remember seeing and I very much enjoyed your photo shoots :)
ReplyDeleteOh, my sweet friend, what an accomplishment! Congratulations, dearest Kim.
ReplyDeleteThe quilt is truly exquisite and it looks PERFECT on your bed along with the flowers on the wall. Everything is just...oooh la la...BEAUTIFUL!
Much love to you!
You know I thought I heard the angels singing :) It is just beautiful, and I am sure you would be the only one that could possibly see any mistakes in your lovely quilt. You found some lovely locations to show off your quilt but I will have to say that my favorite would have to be on your bed... I can only imagine what a wonderful feeling it was to be able to finally put it on your bed! Good to hear you already have another one in mind to start next :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Kim, well worth every wonderful stitch!
ReplyDeleteOh my it's beautiful indeed and I expect you had a lot of admirers on your visit to the Cathedral!!!
Have a lovely month of May :)
Thank you, Prunella and you have a lovely month of May, also. Kim Xx
DeleteWell done you! It is absolutely beautiful - in my eyes it looks perfect! Looking forward to see your next quilt! Anna x
ReplyDeleteYour found a beautiful place to photograph this gem of yours. The quilt looks absolutely stunning on your bed. What an accomplishment. Amazing!!
The quilt looks like perfection to me, my dear Kim! Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine the HOURS it took you to get the quilt to completion, and yes, that Hallelujah chorus is still singing, I think! I believe I heard it still tonight :) And I love the fact that your husband was so obliging to help you with your photo shoot for this amazing quilt! All the pictures were so beautiful, what fun to have! Oh my that quilt looks so stunning in your bedroom too! I can't wait to see what fun projects you have up your sleeve, you do need to do something fun after this huge project! Hugs to you today dear friend!
ReplyDeleteOh what a major accomplishment! I think your quilt is beyond wonderful and you are too hard on yourself. Taking photos with the church is just the most amazing thing. WOW...how very special and unique. I love just looking at all the photos. I hope you enjoy your work of art.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Linda, for your sweet comments. Kim Xx
DeleteI don't know which I enjoyed more, the glorious eye candy of the quilt, itself or your very colorful and playful way of words you have! What a thing of beauty you have created my dear Kim! I can't even wrap my simple brain around all the work it took to concoct this work of art! I love the contrast in the photos between your lovely handiwork and the old architecture...what a great idea you had here! And last but certainly not least, it adds the perfect element of coziness to your lovely bedroom! You are quite a gifted lady, Kim! ♥
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful quilt! I'm afraid to start a cathedral window because I know it would take me longer than 3 years.
ReplyDeleteYou have done it again, my sweet. The quilt is deliciously beautiful and the staging all around the town is fabulous. I really don't understand why your dear husband didn't hitch up his big boy pants and climb the towers for you, it would have only taken him a "little while". But the photos are wonderful nonetheless. Simply gorgeous. I think you should ask again if you could take the window home - it would be just perfect amongst all your pretties. And that basket of dahlias, sublime. And I could hear the angels singing, floating on the wind all the way over here - and when I heard them it made me wonder just what it was you were up to. The bed topper is perfect in your flowery room, delightful. Happy week to you my dear - can't wait to see what next pretties you have to share with us.
ReplyDeleteOh that's wonderful! I have admired your cathedral window quilt from the moment you shared its beginnings, but I am definitely not stitching one for myself! I'll 'share' yours from afar! I adore your local church; that stained glass window is beautiful. x
ReplyDeleteI can relate to everything you said about the cathedral window quilt. When I started the quilt I thought how nice it would be to have a little stitching project that travels well. Something to work on when I was away from my sewing machine. I had seen a lot of cathedral quilts started but not finished. I always wondered why. Well, here I am 6 years later, still 3 more rows to sew on (it's only a full size quilt) and wondering if I'll ever get it finished. Many of the points looked bad but the longer I worked on it I thought I would improve. I did not. My grandmother tried teaching me how to make this quilt when I was 14 years old. The boy next door was more interesting. I should have paid attention to her. Your quilt is beautiful and loved how you photographed it. You have inspired me to pick mine up again. J Lynn
ReplyDeleteFinally....a soul who understands completely the travails of stitching a cathedral window quilt! You understand.....you really, really do. :D I too thought all those impossible points would improve as I progressed, but alas no. It's just one of those patterns that have too many difficulties and inconsistencies for my liking. I did giggle when you mentioned the boy next door was more interesting than your cathedral window stitching lessons from your grandmother. You must post about the grand finish of your cathedral window when it is 'done and dusted'. I would love to see it. We could compare all those impossible points. Thank you for visiting, you have made me giggle!
DeleteHave you ever heard of "Sainte Chapelle" in Paris? I thought I had gone arrived in heaven. Truly - it is a MUST because this small Church will make a "stained glass" fanatic out of everyone.I am sure you will find heaps of photos on the web. I have just been looking at my own photos and I feel completely at peace. Christina
ReplyDeleteAlas, no I have not had the pleasure of visiting Sainte Chappelle in Paris which is probably just as well as I would probably go into a state of apoplectic shock. I might have need of an oxygen tank! I love grand old cathedrals, one feels completely at peace sitting in them. Now if ever I should get to Paris I will certainly visit this cathedral AND Monet's Garden at Giverney. Now I am sure in this garden more than an oxygen would be needed to bring me back to life. =)