Sunday, March 2, 2025

Flower Baskets Is A Flimsy♡


Hello lovely lovelies♡ March has quietly marched into my little corner of the world, and it has brought with it soft, diffused light in the early mornings. Quiescent mornings with sunbeams filtering through the misty, pearlescent sky. Cool mornings with the promise of warm days. I must say 'tis rather lovely.

March has brought a flimsy, too. I'm delighted to say, each little basket of flowers are now gathered together in a flimsy. Splashes of vibrant colour and floralicious joyfulness here, there and everywhere. I must say this quilt is not for chroma phobes. Indeed, some might need to don sunglasses to dim the brightness.

The 9" blocks are set on point with the baskets skipping diagonally wherever they will. No sashings between each basket; just a border of grey batik dancing around the quilt alluding to a modern aesthetic. The baskets are Kona solids and the flowers are florals from my stash. This quilt is a biggen measuring  98" by 98".

Now to hand quilt Flower Baskets. I haven't decided upon quilting designs. Perhaps a basket weave design inside each basket?? A simple design, me thinks. Anyway, while I sit and contemplate my belly button, perhaps my pretty will whisper in my ear as to how she wants quilting stitches to skip atop her. I will set her aside until Old Man Winter and his frigid sidekick Jack Frost take up residence once more. I get chilblains just thinking about those two pesky, wintry varmints. Yep, a lot of hand quilting in front of a cosy fire might just get me through the perils of winter.

But, for now I will enjoy the warm days of March with nary a thought of the colder days creeping ominously up  my country road.

Yesterday was the anniversary of my first foray into blogging. I can't quite believe I've been prattling on about stuff and nonsense for thirteen years. That's a helluva lot of musings and happy snaps of all things stitching and of course, the flowers. 

Here in Blogland we frequently visit each other and see what we have been up to and how we are going; how we are travelling. And, in these days, where each week is becoming a little darker and more sinister than the previous week, blogging is a way of encouraging each other, building one another up, supporting each other, laughing with each other, crying with each other; and of course, inspiring one another. Thank you for the perpetual inspiration you beam to me down here at the bottom of the world on a regular basis. Thank you, too, for always taking the time to visit my little place and gift my days with your sweet thoughts; your sweet words. You, lovely lovelies, are the sweetest of blessings to me♡

So, I've been thinking. Wouldn't it be lovely, if every now and then, I send a little package of 4" squares of my fabric stash to some of you; just to thank you for your kindness. No drawing names out of a hat, no random computer generated numbers.....just me sending a surprise wee parcel to you in the post. A lovely surprise in the post, other than a bill is always welcome, is it not?? Now, if you wouldn't mind a little package filled with fabric loveliness from me to you, please say so and let me know by sending your address to my email.  Sharing the love with fabrics♡ Sprinkling a little kindness into another's day♡

I must be off. A little knitting for Slow Sunday stitching while watching Vera, me thinks. Enjoy your Sunday, lovely lovelies. Don't forget to be the light in this dark, dark world. "That's a bit grim" I hear you say. Well, after Friday's shocking turn of events in the White House it's clear that there is a tectonic shift in global geopolitics. In Trump's and his regime's world, allies are foes and foes are allies. Very grim indeed. And on that somber note, I really must be off. Vera and a little knitting awaits. =) Take care, lovely lovelies, and again, thank you for your kindness all these years♡

Until the next time........