Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kim.....beginning with the letter "K"

Setting up camp at the letterbox for the past couple of weeks has paid off quite nicely, thank you very much! Yes indeedy, today our friendly post lady delivered a package to me all the way from the USofA!! Thank goodness for that, as any more nights camping in sub zero temperatures would have been the undoing of me.

And.....what was in that package?? A collection of gorgeous pretties hand stitched by Capi of Chosen Sisters fame, as part of the needle book swap that has been circulating the globe during the month of June. Yes indeedy not only the most beautiful needle book but oodles of other pretties.

Lookity look at what fell out of the package.

An amazing needle book with the prettiest embroidered letter "K" on the front. Isn't it oh so pretty!!

Now I am fessing up, I am coming clean that I have been stalking the Flickr photos as the clever stitchers have been posting their photos and when I espied this needle book with my beady li'l eye, I did wonder if this sweet, sweet needle book could possibly be mine. There was quite a bit of discussion as to whom the lucky gal is, whose moniker starts with the letter K. Well..............'tis meeeeeee!! Yipee!!

Look at this beautiful doily that has been fashioned into another pin/needle hold-all; also fashioned with a beautifully embroidered 'K'. And...the sweet 'scrap' basket...not my label but Capi's. It is much too pretty to be called a scrap basket. So pretty!!

Now me thinks that Capi has been stalking my li'l ole blog because everything she sent me is soooooo me. As you know, I lurve pretty!! I am always in need of a pair of gorgeous vintage gloves, some pretty doilies, a pretty hankie, a pretty length of embroidered heirloom lace....oh my....such treasures!

Some pretty vintage Japanese farics and a pretty fabric filled with whimsy. This fabric has started the creative juices thinks a li'l machine sketching with a cute li'l girl stitching, is in the pipeline. Sorry, but it looks as if y'all, yet again, will be seeing some more machine sketching from li'l ole me!!

Such a serendipitous kinda of parcel that really, really tickles my fancy. Thank you Capi for sending such a lovely assortment of pretties!! You have put such a lot of thought and effort into your swap. I am so happy (intoxicated with joy...actually) that the gorgeous monogrammed "K" pretties were for li'l ole me!! Now I am off to inspect them all a li'l more!!
